Currently 2 remington 870 12 ga one 2.75, and one 3
2 remington 1100, 12 ga 2.75, and 20 ga 2.75
1 browning bps 3.5
1 nef 20 ga 3
One universal 12 ga ou
The 870 2.75 used to be my favorate, it was my first gun, bought it when I was 14. After I picked up the 12 ga 1100 the 870 spends alot more time on the rack. Seems silly to have so many shotguns, but once I bring one home I just can't bare to part with it. The only use the 3.5 browning gets is turkey, tried goose hunting with it but the kick, and the fit of the gun just don't agree with me. Makes short work of gobblers though.