What ruined the finish on this revolver?

Black T can certainly be applied to aluminum. As I said, I had it done to my 642, and I have never regretted it. Check their site, I believe that the current price is right around $150.00.
They dis-assemble the entire gun, completely clean all the parts, coat all the parts, re-assemble and send you back a work of art.
I cannot speak highly enough of them.
Mine was done a few years ago, and except for a slight trace of holster wear, look as good as the day I got it back. Black "T" is one heck of a durable finish.
Of course, if S&W will take care of it for you, that is the way to go. They offered to do the same for me, but I decided that I liked the looks of a black gun better.
I don't know if S&W warns people about "baking" their aluminum but other manufacturers do - including CCF Raceframes.
Robar claims that their NP3 plating can be applied to aluminum. That would go a long way toward restoring the original look of the handgun.

If my 637 finish goes south NP3 would be my first choice. So, far it's held up fine but I only use regular hopes for cleaning.