What price is our American society for sale?


I think in his eight years of p1$$ing on the Constitution and Presidency, he did more than enough damage and should only be referred to as "Mr. Clinton" rather than continuing to shame the office by putting the "P" word next to his name or even in the same paragraph.

I would have to feel like this is just a tad over the top. How can you look at what he did to the Constitution, compare it to now, and differentiate between the two, saying one is more of a disgrace than the other. I have to hold true to the idea that anyone who attains the office of the President of the United States is worthy of the respect that the office itself brings. Even if the individual is not. And I didn't vote for him either.
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Hmmmmm, my review of my profound post reveals that no proper names were mentioned by me. :cool: Here's one of my favorites, "It's impossible to place the bar of ethical and moral behavior at a level beneath which the Klinton's won't slither." Is that better? :)
For Sale Cheap: American Society!

Price: Your Vote!

It is not important whether you are here illegally as long as you put me back into office where I can enjoy a better life than you. Willing to pander to any special interest groups that will support me. I have no morals, no platform and no personal ethics except that I must be re-elected.

Please re-elect me! I have no work skills and haven't worked in my life. I promise to support your special interests in Congress if elected. Not interested in your concerns, interests or needs unless members of special interest group. Priorities given to fringe and activist groups.

Vote now!