I would like to appologize. It seems my reference to the oval office has taken this thread somewhat off track. To the original point...
Todays generation has become complacent due to "stuff" (key word). We have stuff, we have jobs to buy that stuff, we have families that want stuff, and they work to get that stuff. We are not willing to stand together, and say this wrong, and won't be tolerated any longer because we don't want to loose our jobs, that provide our stuff. We aren't willing to risk the consequences of our action. We are afraid of being arrested, jailed. out of work, and loosing our stuff. You have your stuff, and I have my stuff, and neither of us wants anyone messing with our stuff. So we just go along afraid to make waves, because the waves can wash our stuff away.
Unfortunately, what freedoms are left is our stuff also. We may have let it (freedom) get shoved to the back of the closet, and lay in the dark, but it is still some of our stuff. We worry that our freedom to work, and keep our stuff can be taken away if we don't "toe the line", so we do.
I only hope that someday it is again understood that freedom is not our stuff to keep, and hold onto. It is God given right that is to be preserved for future generations, and no man should have to live in fear. Even if it is just a fear of loosing our "stuff". Since we seem to be no longer willing to pay the ultimate price, are we even worth of the ultimate reward?