What pistol and caliber do your State Police use ??

MA Troopers carry .40 S&W in either a Sig 226 or 229. Not Glocks as mentioned above. I heard that they are going to be switching over to Smiths...big suprise eh?

Boston PD carry Glock 19's. Sort of ironic as it is illegal to sell new Glocks in the state(per the A/G's regs) as they are deemed unsafe baby killing junk guns...along with Berettas, HK's, Rugers, Kimbers Colts etc...all unsafe junk guns....
Boston P.D. carry Glock 23
M.A. Stae police carrry Sig Fortys. I spoke with the Colonel of the M.A. Statepolice at four seasons one day. He said they will never carry Smiths as long as hes in charge
Notice a trend here? A trend away from the 9mm------even in Australia. Look, I'm not baggin' on any 9 owners but I just noticed this FWIW.

GSP: Glock 22. Most Georgia agencies get pretty good deals on them around here from what I hear. I wonder what the Smyrna PD carries? lol j/k I'm glad to see NM finally got with the program. I talked with a trooper when I lived in Socorro, and they carried some extra-giant S&W.

South Carolina Highway Patrol and State Law Enforcement Division (SLED)

The G22 is the SCHP's sidearm. Unsure of the load. SLED uses the G23. SLED was the first agency to adopt the .40 S&W.

Georgia troopers carry a Glock Mdl 22, 40 cal. Also issued a Glock Mdl 27 as a backup. They traded their Remington Mdl 870 shotguns for Mossberg! Go figure that.
Ben and nr123, that's interesting. I've been away from GA for a while, almost went to work for GSP, and at that time they had the choice of S&W 5906 or 4506.

Colorado State Patrol uses S&W 4006.
In Tennessee-
Get ready-
S&W Sigmas
Its true its true.
Just to be fair, I used to like the Sigma, feels great holds lots of rounds, Marxist company.
I've heard that Tennessee Highway Patrol is going to Glocks, possibly 22s or 21s. They haven't been overly fond of the Sigmas. They used to carry S&W third generation 9mms.

[Edited by buzz_knox on 01-31-2001 at 12:50 PM]