What percentage of your diet comes from game you take with gun or rod and reel?

Before I got married and had kids I'd say it was easily at least 30%.

Now its closer to about 5%... Not enough time now to get out hunting and fishing to have more personally harvested meat.

Same here, sorta. I still hunt about the same amount I used to, but the wife won't touch venison or any other game with a ten foot pole, so I cook it a lot less often since I got married. She will eat the fish I catch though.

I'm jealous of some of y'all. I usually kill a couple deer, 2-3 turkeys, and a few squirrels, doves, and ducks. I eat most of it and give a little of the venison away. Still we probably eat game only once a week on average. Would rather eat it more often but my wife and/or I am usually working pretty late and we just get something quick.
I've never been one to eat fish so a majority of what I catch is released.

growing up dirt poor on an indian reservation, my family had native american friends that hunted year round and were compassionate enough to go out and get us game whenever we needed meat. we rarely ate beef or pork, instead we got mule deer, whitetail and pronghorn(I really miss pronghorn meat on the table).

now we live on a different reservation where the natives were more fishermen than hunters so even though they have year round hunting rights, few actually practice it so we are now stuck with what we can get through normal hunting seasons. unless we are able to get an elk I would say now less than 10% but growing up it was probably close to 50%
The freezer only holds so much. In the years I've got an elk I had to give most of it away. Even on a very good year I doubt that I'd get close to 50%
When my 3 kids were growing up, I did not have a lot of time to hunt & fish, but I would say the percentage was around 20 percent. When the kids all grew up and started their own families, the percentage grew to close to 70 percent.
I put up 100 to 150 lbs of crappie early in the spring, 100 to 200 lbs of catfish, and several wild hogs, as well as my limit of 5 deer almost every year. Every now and again I'll throw a Rib-eye steak or a chicken on the grill, but mostly it's deer burger, hog sausage, or baked or grilled fish at my house.

I do most of the cooking at my place because my wife works to late to start a supper when she gets home, and she likes the wild meats almost as well as I do. She never even went fishing until after we got married, and now I can't keep fish around her.
For me it depends on a number of things. I would say on average ~60%, sometimes more. However, if we are going out to eat a lot or if my wife decides to buy chicken or fish which she does from time to time them the percentage goes down. We usually have a freezer full of elk though and it all gets eaten. So I guess an overall percentage is hard to figure, but my family (me, wife, 2 small kids) eat 160-200 lbs of elk/deer a year. Plus the occaisional squirrels, rabbits, fish.
Seldom catch fish that are keepers and because of county codes i don't have access to a hunting area within a 50 mile radius of my house. My consumption of taken fish and game is very close to 0%
I dont know about the percentage, but its much cheaper to buy meat and fish at the store. At least that is the way it seems when you figure in all the incendentals.
Not sure about the ratio but last year I took 150 lb pig and a 140 lb antelope. This year I have taken a 170 lb pig. The pigs, except for loins and back straps get mixed 50/50 with store bought pork for sausage. The antelope except for loins and backstraps were turned into sausage, also... Not much left.
unfortunately, a very small percentage of game makes up my diet. my father in-law gives me quite a bit of the game he's taken from the years hunt, such as venison beef sticks, venison hot dogs, fry sausage and most recently, venison bacon. he also gives me fish and sweet corn when they're done harvesting. my wife doesn't like venison and refuses to touch the stuff.
"[Prof Young, Not near enough.]"

Same here, At least not as much as it use to :D PS Living in the sticks around salt water as fresh too, has it's advantages ; )
I go on one hog trip a year, and usually get one around 250 lbs. That is probably about 40 percent of the meat we eat here. We always share some of the sausage and ham with the grown kids and some friends. Only two of us these days and the wife and I really don't eat that much.
At the present time about 5% as I don't do much hunting of game or fishing anymore.

That being said I have a very strong feeling that will change in the future.
Because of conditions caused by the drought, greed farming practices, and fires down south and out west, meat will become a high price commodity.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
.005% only game I ate myself was a turkey I got in the spring. Wish I liked fish though, I go fishing 2-3 times a week and would love to be able to take them home and eat them. Dont mind catch and release though, leaves me plenty of fish to catch in the future
id say 25% of my meat. There was a time 4 years ago that it was 100% because I had an entire cow buffalo in 2.5 deep freezers. Now its limited to a single deer every year and occasionally an elk... but not for a few year.

deer cost me 1 tag at $19.75 + Hunting licence $12.75 + ammo costs (reloading so its pretty cheep)

$32.50. Of course its more like harvesting than hunting when you can shoot them from your back porch.
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When I was a kid growing up in the 50's, we ate fish & game several times a week and also ate animals we raised. There wasn't much supermarket meat being served at our house.

Now, it's like a couple times a month...... maybe more during hunting seasons.
Don't know percentages but I usually kill around 7-10 whitetail a year, alot of pigs, many coons and squirrel and plenty garden vegetables. But I shoot most out the front door are in backyard.... Life is good