What next?...one of those years!!!!!!

Luck, both good and bad, often runs in streaks in defiance of the odds.
With Murphy's Law, we can at least try to anticipate everything that could possibly go wrong and make efforts to eliminate variables.
I should be more consistent to develop and use lists....
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The year started with two misses in bow season, one a literal chip shot.:mad: Two weeks into bow season and I had to bail for a month to assist with my ailing elderly momma.......she's gonna be fine and of course who wouldn't have gone?

Upon my return, first night out, I had a likely P&Y buck beneath me in the moonlight, no way could I legally or ethically loose an arrow. I've dropped stuff from the tree...arrows, ear pro (handgun hunting) and glasses necessary for me to see the dang front sight on the pistol. Drove 6 miles from the house to realize I'd left my bow in the other 4wd! Left the house the other PM on the ATV to ride a 1/4mi or so on a neighbors property. While opening the gate to access, I realized I'd left my rifle in the shed where the ATV is stored! Currently, I see deer across the road from my house daily, but can spend a AM or PM in a stand and not see a thing!
I've not been stuck, run out of gas or had a flat, but I figure it's just a matter of time.

Anybody else having one of those years?
Was not a stellar year for me either. Tore ACL in April. Had it reconstructed in June. Had emergency gall bladder surgery in Sept. Had emergency Appendectomy in November. Didn't leave a lot of opportunity for hunting.