What new C&Rs on the horizon next 1, 3, 5, 10 years?


Are there any C&Rs that we can reasonably expect to be on the horizon in the upcoming future? Any guns that are currently in service that are being, or have been, retired?

The Yugo Tokorev m57 was recently added to the C&R list to join it's brothers in the TT33 design.

I'm thinking the CZ83 is a good candidate; nearly identical to the CZ82.

What else?
I am assuming you mean Milsurp C&Rs
How do you expect anything to be added when we have government oficials who won't let M1 Garands, and M1 carbines be imported.
The M57, and P-64 were both a surprise to me so I bought one of each.

The CZ 83 is the civilian export version of the CZ 82, so don't look for that one.

We can only hope that they uncover some warehouse stashes in former Eastern Bloc countries that have some guns and ammo that we can get in.
The EU countries believe that all surplus arms need to be stacked up and burned. Kind of what some want to be done with all firearms in this country!
Well, Sarah Palin will be elected president in '12 and by executive order will repeal the GCA '34, instantly nullifying '68, '86, and mandating M14s be immediately routed to the CMP.
Unless Idahoser's fantasy comes true, I don't expect to see too many more milsurps, C&R or not. Most of the shoulder fired arms in use by modern armies are selective fire, so unless there is a major change in the law those will not come on the U.S. civilian market. And the supply of semi autos, bolt actions, and single shots has about dried up. Plus many nations, afraid of the UN and their own people, decide to destroy surplus weapons rather than place them on the market.

One reason for the change is that the U.S., China, Iran, N. Korea, Venezuela, and Russia supply arms free to client states, so there are no "trade in" guns like there were in the 1950's.

In all likelihood, we will be looking to our own country for the next batch of C&Rs. Guns made prior to "today" in 1960 are now C&Rs, and there are an awful lot of Smiths, Colts, Winchesters, Remingtons, Savages, et. al. out there that are fast becoming C&Rs.
Well. if real americans take control of the government this year & 2012 we could see Viet-Nam era M-16s become C&R. Probably still be NFA regulated, but what the heck. M-16 C&R with a $200 tax stamp and background check with finfgerprints. I would be in!!!
Idahoser said:
Well, Sarah Palin will be elected president in '12 and by executive order will repeal the GCA '34, instantly nullifying '68, '86, and mandating M14s be immediately routed to the CMP.

You're assuming she even knows what those things are... which she probably doesn't. My border collie has a higher IQ than she does.
assumption is the reason people get away with that opinion- if you actually found out what she knows you'd feel differently.

Anyway the argument that any intelligence or experience was a qualification for the job was discarded when you put an incompetent communist puppet in the white house.
I'll keep it on topic if they keep it on topic.

And I didn't even vote for Obama. And I did vote.

With that, you don't have to lock the thread. I'm not going to say anything about this anymore.

I would love to see some old M-14s, but didn't Clinton melt them all down? I know the military is using them now as designated marksmen rifles, but I doubt they'll be coming out anytime soon.
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How do you expect anything to be added when we have government oficials who won't let M1 Garands, and M1 carbines be imported.

That's not quite the case. Those rifles are being brought back, turned over to the army, then turned over to the CMP who checks them, and rebuilds them if needed, and then sold to the US Citizen. (Most CMP M1s are Greek returns now).

What is not being allowed is the M1s and Carbines that we loaned to the Koreans. Unlike everyone else, instead of returning those rifles to the Army, they want to SELL them directly to Jobbers in the US. That is the program that's being blocked.

At least thats the story I got from CMP when I was attending their GSM-MI course last month.
I doubt that we will see many more Surplus firearms becoming Curio and Relics.
Most of the modern military rifles are select fire, or full auto.
That kind of blows.
Maby a few bolt action sniper rifles, and some of the pump shotguns, and maby a few pistols may end up C&R:(
But thats about it.
This is the first thread I've ever read on C&R and I must say, yall do keep it much more exciting than I thought :p

Regardless of who wins what elections I don't think the C&R list is a very high priority.

What ever happened to the zillions of Japanese firearms that were surrendered? They must be in a big basement somewhere.

What is not being allowed is the M1s and Carbines that we loaned to the Koreans. Unlike everyone else, instead of returning those rifles to the Army, they want to SELL them directly to Jobbers in the US. That is the program that's being blocked.

That is the ones I was talking about. Quick on-line purchase with a C&R license. NO local association membership, competitive shooting proof, or other CMP hoops to jump through.
CUBA. They used a lot of American weapons 1956-1959. Don't know what they went to later but they may still be using the American stuff. They're still driving American cars from that era.

I feel sure we will open trade with Cuba after Fidel Castro croaks. I don't think we really care anymore what kind of government a country's got, so long as it's wide open to capitalism. Even Fidel is now clued in to how dramatically the economies of both China and Vietnam have been improved, thanks to a little capitalism. Now he's even been quoted as saying that the Cuban socialist economic model he constructed doesn't work! (Sorry for your miserable lives for the last 51 years, muchachos.)

Anyway, I imagine that whoever comes to power in Cuba after Fidel Castro dies will be selling whatever the country can sell to raise capital. Including whatever stockpiles of surplus weapons it may still have.

All I want from Cuba is on of those M-1 rifles, and a box of real Cuban cigars, and maybe one of those beat up but restorable old 1953 Cadillac hardtops.
Cuba was soviet armed and that's what they got now.

They might have a stockpile of American gun left over from the Batista regime.