What mini size gun should I consider

I notice when the size goes down, reliability drops.

I have a Kimber Micro .380. Got about 400 rounds thru it, half factory and half my own homerolled. Yet to experience any form of a hiccup. Pretty accurate and fun to shoot. Can't say that about too may micro sized pistols. My other regular CWC is a S&W 637. It seems huge compared to the lil' Kimber.

I put this post here because I am open to revolvers also. I researched a lot on mini size 380ACP or 9mm semi. I notice when the size goes down, reliability drops. It is natural that when size and weight is reduced, tolerance of parts become very critical, anything not perfect will cause problem. So far, I looked at small 380s like Ruger LCP380 and Kahr etc., they all seems to have problem in reliability. The only one that is a little more promising is the Glock 42 but I cannot get it in Kalifornia.

I even look at S&W 340PD revolvers because it's less than 12oz and can shoot 38+P. It's a little bulkier, but the lightest and absolutely win out in reliability department. Short coming is only 5 rounds and a little bulkier. Same hold true for Ruger LCR.

I am open for other suggestions.


If you can’t get a mini .380 Glock, then the S&W 340PD is a good alternative. From my short experience, the small Glocks are very dependable. And the mid size .40 Glocks are too, I would trust them with my life.

But, I think that I am going to get a Beretta Compact 9mm myself.:D
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I find that within reason trigger pull is not an issue with CCW guns. Also they only need practical accuracy for the job they are intended for. They ain’t bullseye guns. If it can’t be pointed and shot into center of mass out to 20’ it’s useless for most people.
I don’t like plastic pistols of any kind but there is no comparison to them for carry pieces. The only CCW type gun I had was a PP .32. Very nice pistol, WW2 issue. It is a brick compared to many plastics.
Four models of the Sig P238 show up on the list from the link posted by Onward Allusion. The different models only differ in cosmetics, not in function, so picking one of those would be a good option. They - or at least our two - shoot really well, remarkably so for such a small pistol. Thanks, OA, for the correction.
Another vote to check out the Ruger LCP. I tend to carry a bit larger gun when clothing options make it possible. But if not a LCP in a belly band can be worn under just about anything short of a speedo
I'm not familiar with all the restrictions California has on the 2nd Amendment, nor have you stated your level of training/proficiency/competency. Without you stating all this you will continue to get opinions that are irrelevant to you.
I could have bought any ccw gun on the market, I use a Ruger EC9s, paid $200 each new for three of them. One for me, one for the wife and one for the daughter. I use a Hogue Handall grip and a Clip Draw.
I had one way back and traded it off. if they made one without a thumb safety and magazine disconnector I'd get another and keep it.
I had one way back and traded it off. if they made one without a thumb safety and magazine disconnector I'd get another and keep it.
I prefer the thumb safety and disabled the magazine safety.
Another vote for the Ruger LCP here.
It's so very easy to carry.
The standard mag offers 6 rounds, but there are extended magazines readily available.
Mine, and my wife's, LCP have both been very reliable with well over 400 hundred rounds each down range.

Snub-nose revolvers are great, but just 5 rounds sucks...especially if you're facing two or more attackers.