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    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

What makes someone a "Senior Member"?

Well, jeep, that distinction comes when a member has demonstrated a true knowledge of firearms, the entire Constitution of the U.S., and the wisdom to know when to use both. The decision as to when this has occurred for each member is decided by the TFL Staff at each Board of Directors meeting the first Monday of each month; or a total of 15 posts, whichever comes first. :D
Thanks Mal, I believe I will hit the posting requirement before the first two but I will try not to disappoint the "Board" with my efforts ;)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You also have to past the Written Test and the Oral Review...[/quote]

As you can see, George hasn't passed the essay portion of the written test yet, so he's only a lowly Administrator... :D :D :D

Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page
George did spell the word wrong, but I think you misunderstood the nature of the test. It's not a written test, you see you have to eat a piece of cardboard we fondly call the Written Test and then ....

Bulldog, you're due for your exams next week. For the Oral Review we have a specialist help us out - Dr. Payne A. Lott, DDS

Don't let these guys fool ya. If you can see the front sight on a Sharps, standing, off-hand ... then you're too young and you'll be rejected for senior membership!

On the other hand, if you can lose your temper through the keyboard and later apologize (meekly and with great humility), type run-on sentences with great passion, but without punctuation, and sometimes forget everything you ever knew about a subject in front of +4,500 people who know you just said (typed) something stooooopid, then you probably have just the narrowest chance in about 9 more posts.


"Get your mind right and the body will follow." - Shino Takazawa, sinsei, hachi dan, Keishinkan do.
Sensop's Corner
Thanks for all the input, I think :D
I will say without hesitation that the people I meet either in forums like this, at gun shows or on the range are the most helpful and honorable anywhere. Because we have such a passion for our sport we tend to be a little opinionated at times, but this is a good thing. It keeps us active and alert and always looking for that extra edge and without hesitation ready to give our new "secrets" away to everyone else to use.
Gotta love ya.
You also have to have the stones to stand naked ontop of an Aztec piramid, viewed by billions of people who throw cucumbers at you and chant in latin... That part wasnt so bad - it was while eating that cardboard! That was tough!
Then after you pass the tests - your hired.
You then go to TFL BASIC TRAINING, which makes Harry Humphries looks like a NURSE - all the running and shooting... And pushups!
I mean DANG! I got smoked SO BAD when I missed a question! "What cartridge is the .17 Remington based on?" Sheesh! - NOW I KNOW its the .223 case! After 7 miles running with loaded laptop and handstand pushups while typing .223 .223 .223 100 times with my nose - HELL - I'll never forget that again! Rich seems a nice guy on the surface - but the way he just grins when DC is nose to nose with you Drill Sarge Style screaming Constitutional Law at you... Man, I STILL have nightmares!
After training, IF you make the cut - The BLOOD WINGS! They take the Title and pin it straight into your bare chest - while all the other moderators and admin get to punch you on the new title pin! Talk about pain!
Dennis and Rob - they punch TWICE! OUCH!
Then after a day off - you get to pull the Third Watch. Sheeessshhh!
Rangers are more layed back! The "Staff Lounge" is actually the "HOUSE OF PAIN" and there is a sign on the other side of the door that reads "Employees Must Wash Hands, and wipe off the damn tears and blood before returning to Work!" But I am not allowed talk about this or I'll have to stay another day in the "Tiger Cage"! Thats no fun at all because Mykl has really sharp nails!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited February 24, 2000).]
George Hill....You, Mal H and sinsop have been sipping the silly water again, havent you? hehehe
You guys crack me up....dont stop.

:D :D :D

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
SINsop ... I LIKE IT!

BTW, anybody that has hung out a UH-1 as a, shall I say, DorGunR?, has had their share of silly water ... donchya know?

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited February 25, 2000).]
Hush sensop....don't tell all our secerets. :)
BTW I've seen some C-130 Gunship guys in action also, not only in the air but you guys were holding your own in the local pubs. ;)
Yeah...fess up....you'v been there done that havent you? :D :D

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."

[This message has been edited by DorGunR (edited February 25, 2000).]
You guys are killin' me! I've never had any Shiner. The local adult beverage sales outlets hereabouts in GA don't seem to carry it.

I keep asking for it. You guys better not be pullin' my leg.
Hey, Dennis! Mykl just tapped a new keg o' Shiner's in the lounge. Jine me. (Amazing how the conversation always turns to Shiner no matter what the subject is.)

sensop, s'all true. It's a pretty good beer. I know they sell it in GA, check here to see if any is local to you: www.shiner.com