What kind of work do you do? Part II


New member
Continuation of an earlier thread, wondering what us "gunslingers" do in the real world!

I'm a Respiratory Therapist by trade & a Hyperbaric Technician working in a Hyperbaric Tank (decompression tank) full time. On the side I'm an avid shooter and knife collector & dealer online.
I'm a full-time student in the Fall/Spring and work for an internationally known company during the summer doing computer support and whatever else they need me to do.

Exciting isn't it?! =D
I the manager of a substance abuse clinic. I supervise 7 employees who most would describe as "flaming liberals." Guess what - after three years of sharing my views with them - 5 of the 7 now "understand" where I'm coming from as a gun rights person. They even say they will not vote Democratic in the next election - (I still don't trust them...)
I have been listening to your chatter and it sounds familiar. As you say the Gov. won't let you say, I can guess "from wence you come." and Been there done that.


[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited July 05, 1999).]
OK,ok, I'll confess.. I wrok for thre gov...gov...gov...government.

Dept. of the Army Civilian

Remember..us goberment types are only here to help.. :-P

Full time high schooler during the school year, part time DJ at a country station and part time in a call center for a mail order pet supply place.
Nihilistic technofetishist; GPS Super freak. Sell, integrate, and train customers on Trimble GPS survey, mapping, marine survey, precise positioning and machine guidance systems.
Manufactures rep for division eight products (comercial) You know, knobs, knockers and butts :)

[This message has been edited by David's USP (edited July 06, 1999).]
Operations manager for the technical training department of an automotive importer.

Regards - AZFred
Full time college student, accounting major, graduate in one year. Decided that I am good at accounting but can't stand doing it. Testing with a large police dept in Utah in January. Going to be LEO.
Also an avid shooter, part time heavy lifter, and husband.