What kind of Socks do you Wear?

I've heard, but not confirmed that there is pending legislation to restrict *hollow point* socks:ie wearing in public forbidden, unless covered by an enclosed shoe.
Limited capacity luggage where only 7 pair could be carried.
All sales of Class III items such as "Odor Eaters" will carry a $200.00 tax stamp.
The burning of socks is to be covered by a proposed amendment.
ATF is changing their name to ATFF, Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Feet.

Tipper Gore has been quoted as saying "There is a definitave link between sock drawers and pornography. Even Albert confessed hideing his Playboys in the sock drawer as a child."
Sarah Brady has stated "It's for the children, there is no reason kids should have easy access to socks. For thousands of years people existed without socks."
From the Whitehouse, Klinton was quoted as saying "I did NOT name my cat that evil name."
The fist cat was quoted as saying "Meow" (loose translation is "Why does Bill have that look in his eye again, time for me to bug out").

Serbia and NATO forces have agreed to a no-sock zone. The refugees don't care, they would rather have food.
India and Pakistan have announced their joint intention to leave socks out of their current struggles.

A recent $300,000,000.00 government study could neither confirm or deny any link between hate crimes and the type of sock used. Congress has approved an additional 5 Million dollars to continue research.

I have been quoted as saying "They can have my socks when they pry them off my cold dead feet."

My wife has been quoted as saying "The way your feet smell, I thought they were cold and dead already"


You have the same sense of humor that my father-in-law has. His name is also Hal. He's a damned jewel as far as I'm concerned. Best FIL a guy could ask for. (Well, he could be richer, but what the hey... ;))

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
White atheletic socks (costCo.'s finest) with sneakers, boat shoes (sometimes), Timberlands, no socks with Tevas or boat shoes. Dark nylon/cotton blends in otc for business occasions.

You realize of course the the Liberal Lurkers will read this thread and make fun of our adolescent dirty sock jokes. 'Dirty socked" will join the epithet on anti-gun sites, as in 'slack-jawed, drooling, beer-swilling, gun-tooting, belching,farting, smelly old redneck with dirty socks'. Then there will be a push to ban white socks without odor eaters (mustn't offend THE CHILDREN, afterall. After dirty socks, fart jokes can't be far behind, mark my words, or at least stories about lighting farts in the barracks. We must abandon this thread least we look silly.

We really should go back to just rule 1) All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues. All this dogs/cars/motorcycle/socks stuff may make us look bad to the anti-gunners, we might come off as multi-faceted, happy people with a enough of a life of our own that we don't need to meddle in the life's of others.
Goofin' on it all, M2
Well, I was reading through this rather frayed thread, and halfway through it somebody got off on beer--which I have been known to do, also--and I got one.

so I wandered out on to the front porch to commune with somebody or maybe myself and decided--under all y'all's influence, mind you--to take off my boots and check and sure enough I had my Sunday-go-go-Meetin' socks on. (They're Holy. That's "holey", Dennis.)

So I took off the too-aged socks to let them air out before putting them in the laundry basket and my beer went all empty.

What to do with an empty? Why, fill it with water, and shoot it with my Mini-14, of course! The breeze blew the fine mist back on me and it was the coolest I'd been all day so I went to the fridge and got another beer and a little later I got cooler again! And again!

Now, it takesh a lot of beer to shtay cool on a hot afternoon, so you shee what you guysh done made me do??? And later, when I can find my way home, I'll probably cool off shome more.

Beshidesh, it'sh a great way to flatten beer cansh...
So is this what Mykl meant by "accretions to TFL's shores..."? (I like both white and gray for casual, designer patterns for work - and anyone who admits to being "like Steven Wright" has got to sit down and rethink their values, huh? ;) )

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited June 30, 1999).]