What kind of Socks do you Wear?

David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
I'm like Steven Wright and choose my socks by thickness. As long as the left sock is the same thickness as the right sock nothing else... color, pattern... matters!

And yes... I wear shocks while rideing a motorcycle, driving a 4x4, and my DOG plays with my old socks.

Remember Rule #1??

1) All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues.

Who is going to try and tell me that the discussion of Motorcycles, 4x4s, Dogs and Socks on TFL is about accessories or a civil liberties issue? Yeah Yeah... First Amendment. RIGHT!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
One of the problems with us military types is things tend to be black or white. I guess it is all of the training, with one objective -- kill people and break things.

Black and white, and I like white socks, in fact that is all I wear. I discovered the value of a heavy duty support knee sock before I had open heart surgery in 1990. I wear them with suits, shorts, while bike riding,( ATT: STAFF ) SHOOTING etc.

I have found the old white socks have good salvage value as (when washed after last use) gun socks, top part used to cover ankle holster, and when tops cut open, as sound insulators between pans in my camper.

White socks are here to stay! GLV
Seems to me that the FBI could use the data on this board to make some interesting templates of gun owners. You know how they can take one look at you and tell you what kind of car you drive, how many kids you have, and where you live? With this data, they could easily identify gun owners by the car they drive, dog they own etc. Although, I am sure they are way ahead of us and already have more data on the issue than we could give.
Birkenstocks = no socks.

Does that get me thrown off the list as NOT a bonafide gun-toter? And does it get the FBI off my ass? :)
I use my old socks for gun rags - does that make this a gun related subject?

Oh, and I like Alders for my long socks and Dickies for the short ones...is that wrong? I hope not.

There once was a song (didn't stay on the list very long) entitled "Red necks, white socks, and Blue Ribbon Beer".
Neither did Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. It tasted like horse pi...............well it wasn't very good beer. ;)

Marv I hate to say this but the fact that we remember the song probably means our necks are showing :o

Uh. Oh, oh. I see another thread coming;
"What kind of beer do you drink?" :D :D :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I wear Thor-Lo hikers/ light hikers/ or trekkers. They are expensive (around 8-10 dollars a pair), but they offer exceptional wear, comfort, and moisture wicking, esp. w/ hiking boots (about all I wear). I also have running crew socks by Thor-Lo - definitely improves comfort as you rack up the miles.


[This message has been edited by Flotsam (edited June 27, 1999).]
Tube socks seem to work the best for general purpose. They are very absorbant, hold a fair amount of #9,or any preferred cleaner. Excellent to use as homemade swabs or mops for shotguns or any other large bore. I store most of my long arms with the barrels covered with a sock. The sock help keep dust out of the barrel of the shotgun leeaning in the corner. Old socks also make a great bag for holding spent brass. The tube socks with different colored tops can be used to seperate different calibers, different loads, or keep track of the number of times brass has been reloaded. Socks also make a handy soft storage bag for .22 rimfire ammo, some of the dirtiest stuff in the world to store and transport. Again, different colored tops make easy identification possible at a glance.

Socks are our friend. Good topic.

I got me some cheap Costco "value-pack" socks... There's nothing better than slipping on a fresh pair of socks! :)

You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE."

- Jules
Schmit, ya skinny-arsed former friggin' jarhead, ya, ya done gone and opened up a smelly can o' worms here. :) BTW, don't it bother ya none if one sock is longer than the other? I hate it when that happens. :D
FWIW, I wear Champion black althletics at work, and go NS (No Socks) with Topsiders at home during the warm months. When it's cold, the socks don't come off 'till I go to bed.
I don't have any old socks....the laundry eats even new ones....
BTW, I like ThorLo's, too, but they are $$$.

Steven Wright: I came home one night, put the key in the door and turned it...the building started up. So, I took it for a spin around the block. A cop stopped me and asked "Where do you live?" I answered, "Right here."

Regards from the fifth dimension where missing laundry goes, Richard

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited June 27, 1999).]
Jesus Sandals! Jesus Sandals! Shortcut is wearing Jesus Sandals! Nyah nyah nyah.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
while I am in Wal-Mart looking for ammo,if needed I pickup socks(The gray ones,so I can tell the differens between mine and my 4 boys).
I got ammo in!

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited June 27, 1999).]
Socks- white tube socks, right this minute the left one with a hole in the big toe.

Beer- much easier, my favorite beer is cold beer, (the one right now apparently one with a hole in it as it is empty.
For a 'paranoid lot' as we're supposed to be we seem awfully willing to disclose a lot of information about ourselves :)

But Swiss Army socks are the best - got some pairs there on a visit some 12 years ago and havent changed them since (well ok - to take a bath every now and then, sure)- Also the go well with my SIG P220. They'd also match a SIG STGW 90 but the cops around here get sort of funny about that kind of apparel.

Wife also matches as she's also Swiss.

Not the beer though - the local stuff aint bad, Swiss is pretty good but nothing like Irish Guinness or a good solid Stout - no guns to match there alas (well not many - but we all know that story, altogether too sad to think of :( )

Peter Knight - 'El Chimango Pete'
>but nothing like Irish Guinness or a good solid Stout - no guns to match there alas <

I beg to differ. I have a Beretta 1201 and a Suppressed AR-15 that match perfectly with my Guinness!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"