what kind of guy are you?


New member
I've been reading some posts and have noticed that alot of guys say " I like x gun and that's coming from a ruger guy" or simply I'm a colt guy or glock guy. So what type of guy are you?

Honestly I'm a gun guy I like em all as long as it goes bang I like it.

So what do you think guys.

1911 guy, I have a little of everything but a lot of 1911s with more on the horizon. Love the feel of the para with a short trigger.
I'm a custom Colt 1911 guy, that's what I own the most of, but I appreciate any quality firearm. I have a soft spot for older customs built for defense/carry, both autos and revolvers, I think that the innovative work done by the pioneers like Behlert, Clark, Swenson, etc is just amazing.
I own a Browning HP in MARPAT duracoat.

Now, that I said that, I am a revolver guy. I 'cut my teeth' in SouthEast Asia, with a SW Model 15 and a Motorola radio strapped on my belt. It had been years, but I own one, again.

I enjoy snubnose revolvers, for their history, their 'mystique', their utilitarian approach to a plainclothesman's problem, and the best two world-wide advertisements, one dispatching a VietCong, one dispatching an assassin.

I own former service revolvers, too.

My caliber of choice is the not so cool anymore, dogged-down, beat-up, ain't worth a plug nickel, can't get more than six shots off at a time, .38 Special.

Some gunners might think that, ONLY IF, they were born AFTER the Fall of The Berlin Wall.
Old guy. Like old stuff. Like having things I couldn't afford to buy when I was young. Like classic S&Ws and Colts.

Like this...


And this...


Then I'll turn around and buy something weird, like this...


And this...


What you'll never see me buying is a Glock (ugly and most uncomfortable gun I ever held in my hand) or a DA Ruger revolver (can't knock the ugly off them with a stick).
I am not brand specific, although I do like certain features on guns like Sigs, DA/SA trigger with decocker. That being said though, if a particular gun fits my needs, no matter who makes it, ill buy it as long as it is well made.
I've found that my bigotry doesn't always last

I used to be all about double action revolvers and found single actions to be for the subhuman. Then I started shooting with those that are fans and found that my bias was ill founded.
I still love my revolvers, but have recently obtained a .45 auto that I find great usefulness an utility for. I've even started looking forward to my first 9mm-something I would have sworn(as a younger man) I would never own or even touch.
I'm a gun guy all around....I own a little of everything. But the older I get the more I despise chasing brass....so other than a few AR's that use brass catchers I find myself transitioning to mostly revolvers....but my 1911 probably won't go anywhere until I'm gone.
Budget guy

I am a budget guy. I'll likely never purchase any gun over $500. I'll shop around for a deal for anything that costs more than that. I was until recently a strict DA/SA has to have a hammer guy, but this forum has changed my mind on that and a few other things.
I am a traditionalist in that I love my 1911 and an old revolver that was my Dad's, but I am also an avid researcher of guns. I might see a gun that fascinates me and I want it but I will do some research and see what I can learn about it good or bad before I buy it.

But then again, there have been times when I simply look at a pistol and know it will be mine with no more thought than it looks good or feels good in my hand.

Crap, after rereading that I feel like maybe I have a problem and need to be in a 12 step program. "Hi, my name is Don and I like pitols."
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Old School !!!

Guess I'm an old-school kind of guy that has regressed to Traditional M/L's. Just about everything about them, touches my heart. Not many of us around these parts and I know most of the dedicated shooters, like myself. .... ;)

As for handguns I guess I'm a Ruger fan and currently for rifles; Marlins and Savages. . .. :)

Be Safe !!!