what is your??

The most enjoyable part for me is getting away from the real world and all the distractions in life. Watching the squirrels, wild turkeys, birds and other critters pass by while I am waiting for a suitable victim to present himself. Sometimes I hope no deer will show up so I don't spoil my afternoon.

Lemmon pretty much nailed it right on the head.
A day out of capticity No phone, no Email, no work, no traffic.
Whether I kill anything or not, just hunting I can feel the stress and worries of life leave my body. Getting in tune with nature and clearing my mind of nonsense. Ive hunted most of my life and its almost theraputic for me. I love it, no matter what it is Im hunting.
Right now, solitude and connecting with God and the natural world. In a few years it'll be to spend time with my boys and start teaching them things my dad tought me and his tought him.
This may sound strange,

My favorite part of Deer hunting has nothing at all to do with the Deer.
I enjoy the visiting with friends, and family and talking about each others hunt.
I live for the BS.:)
In all honesty (a rare thing on this type of thread) it's the few seconds or minutes as that deer steps into sight until the trigger is pulled. Yes I really enjoy being out there enjoying nature and the time spent with friends. I can get all that any number of ways but the time above is what makes it different. If the kill has so little importance than save your coin from tags, guns and ammo and go for a hike.

Want proof of what I've said? When was the last time you got on the phone or received a call from a buddy about the dang squirrels playing or the sunrise? When was the last time you high fived or give/get a pat on the back from a buddy about watching turkeys? No, you call, get called, high five, shake hands and pat on the back when the brown is down.

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I get a break from the pigs cause they are all hanging out around fully stocked deer feeders that are dispensing corn at conviently timed moments.
Once the trigger is squeezed and the shot finishes rumbling though the hills, the hunt is over and the work begins. Not that I mind the work, but at that point the hunt is over.
L Killkenny touched on it, but for me it's that time when you first see your quarry until the shot that means the most. In those moments it seems nothing else matters except making that shot.
I know the adreniline of a Kill or the anticipatoin of one, is great, but honestly isnt the Camp Bull, and Comaraderie great.
I love the visitation as much or more than the Kill.
I also like to show off a good Kill at the Hunting Camp too. :)