What is your confidence in the US dollar?

Your confidence in the US dollar over the past 5 years has...

  • Gone up a lot

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Gone up a little

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stayed the same

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • Gone down a little

    Votes: 5 7.4%
  • Gone down a lot

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • I'm doing what Crosshair is doing and distancing myself from the US dollar.

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Crosshair is Crazy.

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • I have no idea.

    Votes: 4 5.9%

  • Total voters
Reminds me of a saying:

Liberal says the glass is half empty.
Conservative says the glass is half full.
Communist says the glass is too big.
The dollar will return and other currencies will drop. Slowdowns in the USA eventually reach the rest of the world and when our booms hit they follow elsewhere as well.

People worry about how much dollar debt is owed overseas but that debt was accepted there becasue of their faith in the US economy in the long run.
I think if we pull out of Iraq, and do some serious cutting back of goverment spending, we'll see things start to level off, and perhaps even start swinging back up. I think America will return back to the top, but first we have to stop spending money we dont have In county that doesnt want us for a reason that doesnt exsist.

The days of $1.50 gas is over, but right now I'd be happy to pay $2.00

And do think its was only $1.37 the day I graduated High School. And I thought that was such a high price back then.
I suggest everyone invest in some fiat chickens, some fiat zinc, and some Fiats while you're at it.

And then take all of your gold and build a golden idol so that Ron Paul can worship it.

The concept that fiat currency has caused "economic collapse" is a curious one, considering the regular and never-ending cycle of true economic disasters that occurred when the US was firmly wedded to gold.
There sure has been adjustments, I can no longer eat the things I can't afford.

Why's that? Maybe partially because shipping cattle to beef processors, then the processed meat to your local market is costing a trucker $4.93/gal?

I can no longer drive up to the hills and do my thing.

Why not? Your Toyota Prius can't make it there on battery power alone? Or is it that you can't afford the price of gas?

I can no long purchase American Products I love.

I feel you there. However, my take is the trade tarrifs is off kilter. Has been before the dollar lost value and now we're feeling the effects of it. The dollar didn't cause this. The stupid tarrifs that foreign countries have on us and we don't on them is the problem. How much is it to import a Honda Civic to American docks? How much is it for Japan to import A Chevy Cobalt?

It use to be a nice chunk of beef twice a week. Now it's Chicken, Pork, Chicken and some tough old stuff they call round steak!

Maybe an investigation of why the cost of feeding cows have gone through the roof should be in order...

The problem is not Oil, It's the damn Dollar!

Wrong. It's both. We can argue the chicken vs. egg on this one. But, oil prices have jumped up no so much as the weakening dollar as companies having a monopoly on the commodity. Simple economics of supply/demand has jacked up the price. The weakening dollar is only the salt in the already present wound.

Domestic costs have gone up due to higher oil futures. What do you think is involved in making that cushy padding on the chair you're sitting in? It takes petroleum to make foam. It takes petroleum to make just about everything you see manufactured.

Our culture has accepted to throw away everything under the sun. Remember the good old fashioned mop? Forget it. Now, we buy Swiffers that come in a plastic box and the handles for those don't last nearly as long as a wooden handled mops. We consume products needlessly in exchange for convenience. Now we're griping about consuming more oil than ever before and wonder why.
I believe that the debt that the US government and US citizens owe (credit) is 5X the amount of money in circulation. In other words, there is not enough money in circulation to pay off our debts. That is one of the reasons why the dollar has lost its value. If anyone thinks this fall of the dollar is temporary, I would suggest doing some reading along with your daily intake of "education" from FoxNews and CNN.
It doesn't cause economic collapse, it causes an endless cycle of boom and bust. You're just too pessimistic, Crosshair, you only see the glass half empty and disregard the fact that it will fill again in a few years.
Oh certainly, the problem is, what will the glass be filled with? What will happen to your savings? People who had good healthy investments in Germany around 1919 quickly lost everything because of hyperinflation. While life went one, those who worked to save and had their money in Marks soon had nothing. Those who had diversified their investments in other currencies lost some, but still held onto most of their money.

So yea, life will go on, but I could quickly find that my savings and investments are worthless.

The dollar will return and other currencies will drop. Slowdowns in the USA eventually reach the rest of the world and when our booms hit they follow elsewhere as well.
That's a big assumption. The dollar isn't some magic being that will always maintain value. It has appeared that way because it has been the default world currency world for so long. A big concern lately is that OPEC will switch from selling oil in dollars to selling oil in Euros. That alone would seriously damage the dollars value.

Having your currency debased is different from an economic recession. The currency is the foundation of the economy. It is the oil that keeps things lubricated and flowing smoothly. Having a strong currency won't prevent economic recession, but having a weak one will ensure that they last longer and are more severe.

People worry about how much dollar debt is owed overseas but that debt was accepted there becasue of their faith in the US economy in the long run.
Faith can change. What was a good investment 10 years ago may no be a good investment now. The foreign investors may have confidence in the US economy, but if they loose faith in the currency they have no choice but to either distance themselves from the US economy or demand a higher return. Either way is bad news for us.

I think if we pull out of Iraq, and do some serious cutting back of goverment spending, we'll see things start to level off, and perhaps even start swinging back up. I think America will return back to the top, but first we have to stop spending money we dont have In county that doesnt want us for a reason that doesnt exsist.
Agreed. It's not like this is an unsolvable problem. It's just that many people don't like the answers.

The concept that fiat currency has caused "economic collapse" is a curious one, considering the regular and never-ending cycle of true economic disasters that occurred when the US was firmly wedded to gold.
As I said above, the economy and it's currency are two separate beasts. The causes of those boom-bust cycles had nothing to do with the currency. It had everything to do with the unregulated capitalism and the resulting monopolies, market manipulation, and other shady deals that went on at that time. The collapse of Enron would have happened under a Fiat or a Gold standard. It was shady business practices that caused it, not the currency.

The use of Fiat Currencies has eventually results in debasement and at the least, severe recession of the hosting economy in EVERY CASE IT HAS BEEN TRIED. There is 2000 years of history to back it up. From the Romans, to the French, to the Chinese. The Swiss went off their gold standard in 2000 and their currency has been suffering from increased inflation ever since.

Here is a good read. The Downfall of Fiat Currency

Our current dollar has lost over 90% of it's value from when it was introduced in the early 1900s. Is that the sign of a strong currency? Hell, I wish that dollar WAS strong, I wish I didn't have to worry about how much my dollar will be worth next year or next month, but the exchange rates are showing it.
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I know a nice man... retired as a paint sales man from a company in my area. He has been retired for 21 years, living off of his company retirement and social security. His retirement does not increase each year. It is the same today that it was 21 years ago. So, when the dollar goes down in value, and prices naturally go up... the value of this man's retirement check gets smaller and smaller.

21 years ago, he was in good shape financially, able to live off of his retirement. Today, he takes whatever help he can get from the church and the community in order to pay his utilities and to feed his wife and himself.

The dollar is being driven to a lower value purposefully by the federal reserve in an attempt to make the value of our debt smaller. Our leaders are destroying people's lives in the process. It is an immoral act.
Some people think we have entered a deflationary period (housing and paper asset values). Unfortunately, it may take commodity related prices a while to "catch up"(slow and fall).
To be 100% frank and honest here- this sh#t makes me scared, and it reminds me of a few years ago reading FerFALs blogs about Argentina.


Edit- I don't wanna sound all tin-foily, but I mean c'mon. I'm young, 24, with student loan debt as long as my..arm. And I'm not even done with school. A lot of you folks own your own home, or car, or even LAND which would be the best. These things are a hedge against stuff like this. I can't invest in different currencies, or stockpile stuff that will go up in price! Plus, on another level, I've watched the country tank while I'm busting my ass to get a professional degree. Now, I wonder if that degree will actually pay off like we bank on.

Between McCain talking about a draft, and all this stuff, it is a stressful time to be young in America.

Where is McCain talking about a draft?(quick google search reveals nothing) Generally the military and conservatives oppose conscription while some liberals support it.
The last few election cycles have featured a "whisper campaign" directed at young people that imply Republicans will impose a draft while Democrats will forgive student loans and decrim marijuana. All three are unlikely no matter who is in power.
A lot of you folks own your own home, or car, or even LAND which would be the best.

Wrong. A lot of Americans don't own their homes... their bank does. They are simply renting-to-own their homes. If they are unfortunate and miss 2-3 payments.. it will become clear to them who actually owns their home (and car and land, etc.).

I've watched the country tank while I'm busting my ass to get a professional degree. Now, I wonder if that degree will actually pay off like we bank on.

Get a job at a bank. My wife's cousin works for RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) and she got a $23,000 bonus last quarter and her boss got $200,000 + as a bonus... even though the RBS lost $15 billion in the quarter that bonus was based on. Now I hear they will be laying off many of their workers. I guess that will be "their' bonus.
I live on our own 90 acres.

I like to buy guns. I like to buy lots of ammo and reloading components.

And I like to buy silver. Both bullion and junk silver.

I'm happier having my money in any of the above rather than just holding onto dollars. And a lot of our 401k's are invested in other countries. If their currencies gets stronger, those stocks go up.

Buy $100 worth of silver every month regardless of price. Stick it in a safe. You will gradually accumulate something with real inherent value.

it reminds me of a few years ago reading FerFALs blogs about Argentina.
FerFALs writings are great insight to what happens during a collapse of ones economy. They are a very good read.

In addition, my parents own their home outright and I live at home with them. The logic being, rents are high where I live and I might as well pay rent to family instead of some landlord.

My car gets about 23 MPG at last check and it is under a salvage title. But it runs well and it is paid off. I only have about 3K in school loans. Not too terribly bad considering there are people much worse off financially than I am.
You just can not have a Govt with no control on spending (and both parties loving it) and not have major stress fractures.

We have met the enemy....
You just can not have a Govt with no control on spending (and both parties loving it) and not have major stress fractures.

Add too that a government controlled by major corporations and it becomes even more difficult for the consumer/taxpayer.
I know some parts of the economy suck right now... but for my line of work we're rocking! I have had 2 bonus checks this year already.

When the US dollar takes a dive, the other countries of the world spend a lot of cash on US goods, and our goods are selling like hot cakes.
"The causes of those boom-bust cycles had nothing to do with the currency."


Wrong answer.

The Panic of 1873 and subsequent nearly decade-long depression was caused directly by US currency structure, the removal of the US from the bimetal monetary standard, and machinations of government and private individuals.

I believe at least one other, and possibly several other, economic crisies in the US were caused directly by fluctuations in the gold markets, as well, but I"m not 100% sure of that anymore.

But, it's refreshing to see that someone finally is saying that the a return to the gold standard isn't the instant cureall of all of America's supposed economic woes.