What is your arguement for full auto?

Ho, Soda Pop, talk about resurrecting a dead thread!

Fun shooting full auto, though, ain't it? Try an old grease gun - you'll feel like you ARE shooting a semi-auto! Very slow cyclic rate, ifn' you're used to an M-16. Ka-Chugga ka-chugga ka-chugga!
APeach & co., :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Maybe you should try a more appropriate board for yourself.

Note to self: High road, high road, high road
Note to Edward: old thread, old thread, old thread...


Check the dates, dude! BTW, if you really want to, uh, be displeased (high road, high road, high road) do a search and read Ole Peachy's other posts. You'll find a 15 year old kid lecturing combat veterans.

SodaPop, whatever prompted you to resurrect this thing, anyway? But I sincerely hope you get to rock and roll with an M-60 (or other 7.62 squad automatic) someday.

Talk about a kick! :D:D:D
Yea, it blows my mind to hear people talk like that. I read the thread and you guys laid down real basic sense to him and its like, he's oblivious to the truth. I guess he didnt pay attention in elementary school...and the sad part is he sounds like he's adamently sincere that he believes that tripe.

I guess I should thank the lord for what brains I've got, it could've been alot worse.;)
Someone posted that one doesn't need full-auto to defend ones family. Well, yes, I suppose, if you're talking about burglers, though I wouldn't mind having a legal 14" barrel or "street-sweeper" style rotary shotgun.

But, the more important question is "will full auto help ensure that America does not sink into a totalitarian police state?" You betcha. We are already in a situation where people work from January through early May "for the government." This means that the average citizen give up more of his work product to the government than did serfs in the middle ages. California tells me I cannot sleep, smoke or drink wine in a public park, or walk my dog on certain beaches. I can be thrown in jail for insulting a "protected class" (i.e. women), and the government can, under existing executive orders, seize my property or displace me from my domicile without a court order.

But for the good fortune that our leaders haven't entirely abused the powers they hold, we haven't become a totalitarian society...yet. But, historically speaking, we are becoming more and more like the Soviet Union under Stalin. If the Russian people had access to machine guns and bazookas, perhaps 10-15 million of them would not have been slaughtered by their own government.

Can't happen here? Are you really so sure?

The government maintains the edge in power through a standing army (something the founders feared), and now a vast centralized network controlling our financial resources. The people need all the tools available to resist tyranny.
I recently had my first experience with Dad's M16... I must say, it was a blast. And the oft-repeated phrase 'full-auto is the most fun you can have with your pants on' rings true.
I just love when I hear or read people crawling out of the woodwork and think I have to justify my God given rights affirmed under the Bill of Rights. Obviously, there are those who are quite flippant about some of them. Maybe it would be a bit more clear if the BOR was renamed "Thine government shall not touch!" Not to say the language isn't clear enough to begin with.
Possibly, it might be a good lesson for those who sniff at our constitutional guarrantees to give them up and then have to fight for them-I'll bet the recruiters are really busy right now, but would like to speak to them anyway at some point. I served in countries the US government supported, and they were neither democracies nor were they republics, and those who could voted with their feet.
I don't blame them for being confused-seems the main issue in selecting a judge or cabinet official is whether he/she will condone murder of the unborn rather than what they pledge to defend and hold sacred. And rather than get even more flippant and dare argue that we should destroy the government, the Founding Fathers left us their greatest legacy of all: The tools written into the constitution to initiate changes needed without having to fight from our front porch like they did. In the end, there is nothing wrong with our constitution other than those who want to reinterpet what it plainly says.
It depends on the situation, I think. Against one or two burglars, a semi-auto should suffice...when engaging military forces or when heavily outnumbered, the ability to lay down a barrage of suppressive fire is often critical.
Welcome to the full auto club, Stainless. A '16 is indeed a Sweet 16, but a full belt of .50 cal is hard to beat!

It's almost worth basic training to be able to dump a couple of hundred rounds of tracer laced 7.62 downrange at night.

And capping those big .50s from the top of an APC while you rumble down a canyon road is definitely worth the price of admission.

Strider, you got it right - that's what the FF had in mind for the 2A.
I certainly HOPE that the situation in the US never becomes bad enough to warrant armed revolution, but I'm also absolutely determined that I will be ready to fight -- and fight effectively -- when that happens.

Vote for the best, prepare for the worst...stock up on the most powerful military-type weapons you can legally get before they ban any more of them, stockpile ammo, practice as often as you can.

My only full-auto shooting was when a friend let me play with (figuratively speaking) his Uzi. It was pretty cool...but submachine guns just don't appeal to me much. I want a WWII full-auto BAR instead. :p Now THAT would be fun!
When the kids would mis-speak and ask to play with a gun, I corrected them by telling them one does not 'play' with guns, one 'handles' guns. Deduct one point for terminology infraction.:D

Speaking of the BAR, I've got a ten dollar bet on with a guy right now that bars are 50 cal. Now, I'm 99% positive that they were only 30/06 but he's extremely adamant that his granpa carried one in the war and told em stories about his 50 cal...

The only thing I can think of (Besides he's wrong), is maybe they made a few of em that I just never heard about? None of my gun books support the 50 theory. Anyone know for sure? THX.
The M1918 BAR or Browning Automatic Rifle was designed by John Browning for use in World War One and was introduced in time to see limited service at the end of that confilict.

The BAR is chambered for the same round as the M-1 Garand, the .30-06, which it fires from twenty-round clips.

The original M1918 introduced in 1917 was selective-fire, either semiauto or full-auto.

The improved M1918A1 introduced in 1937 added a shoulder support plate hinged to the buttstock and a spike-type bipod.

The further improved M1918A2 introduced in 1940 was full-auto-only, but could be fired at either Slow (300-450 rpm) or Fast (500-650 rpm). However, the U.S.M.C. modified most of its BARs to have semiauto fire as well as the dual-mode auto. The -A2 had a shorter shoulder support plate than the -A1, as well as a skid type bipod which was mounted on the flash hider and could be quickly removed if needed, as well as a new removable stock rest and a windage-adjustable rear sight. Later modifications included a plastic buttstock and a carrying handle. The buffer spring in the butt of this model greatly reduced felt recoil and increased accuracy.

AFAIK, the only automatic .50-caliber weapon used by the U.S. Military was and still is the Browning M2 heavy machine gun.
Ha! he owes me ten bucks.

"The second amendment similarly appears to contain an express limitation on the Governments authority. If the second amendment is read to confer a personal right to 'keep and bear arms' , a colorable argument exists that the Federal Government's regulatory scheme, at least as it pertains to possession of firearms, runs afoul of that amendments protections"

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (U.S. vs Printz..1997)

Anybody care to paraphrase this for me as it may pertain to FA regulation?