What is wrong with the Ruger SR1911?

I have 1911's by Ruger, Kimber, Colt, Dan Wesson, Ed Brown.
I like the Ruger plunger tube being integral.
Ruger 10mm 1911 has ramped barrel (better case support) than the Colt Delta.
Lightweight CMD in 45 acp has titanium plate to protect aluminum feed ramp.
I'd be just as content to carry one of the Rugers as the others.
I have the SS Ruger Commander .45 and it's a damn fine pistol. Nice grips, accurate, rugged, pull the trigger and it functions. Made in the USA too.
I like my Ruger Commander. I've had it three or four years with no plan to get rid of it. I find it good for fun or defense.
I've had the SR1911 and the CMD since they came out...fine pistols...and comparable to my Colts both in accuracy and reliability. Good features for a modern 1911 with none of the mall ninja stuff.

Mine have been great pistols; groups over the past 5000+ rounds between them have probably averaged 2" or less from the 25 yd line from rest. I think they're a very good buy for any 1911 shooter, short of gilt edged Bullseye competition. Best Regards, Rod
Yes...when they first came out the street price was less than $400.

$400? Not hardly. Someone (PSA if I recall correctly) had them on sale for around $575, but I never saw them for less than than that. I was following prices closely for a while, as I was in the market for a new 1911 at the time (ended up with a Colt and don’t regret it).
AFAIC, the SR1911 is similar to the SW1911, in that they aren’t as popular as the were back when they were the latest & greatest. Well I have one of each, and I think these are two of the best value 1911’s that primarily show up in the used gun case these days. My guess is these have been displaced by the current crop of latest & greatest guns.
Because Ruger isn't a fancy brand, nor are their 1911s particularly snazzy-looking, and lastly nobody likes how they have that ugly safety warning etched into the underside of the frame.

Other than that, they're fine 1911s.
Earlier guns had a problem with the front sight shearing off under even moderate use. It happened twice to my CMD. After the second time, Ruger replaced it with a fiber optic one and its held up ever since. I think they've long since corrected this issue as the newer guns seem to come with a slightly different sight now.

Other than that, the gun's been a great shooter. I actually like the integrated plunger tube.
Could it be that the OP has confused the Ruger 1911 with the Remington R1 (which has had its share of quality issues)?
Could it be that the OP has confused the Ruger 1911 with the Remington R1 (which has had its share of quality issues)?
I very much doubt it.

I did not take his opening post to suggest the gun was not mechanically sound, but took it to be questioning why it was not more popular.
Thanks Jim. Yes, you're right - the Ruger 1911 gets no press. Thanks for making your inquiry clearer.
I love mine... Series 70 was the big selling point. I did wish they offered a regular ran railed model, especially in stainless, but I do like the lines of a traditional Government model. Worst case, I’ll toss that Recover Tactical railed grip on... if I really need to run a light.

It shoots good, and fills the niche (I’m not necessarily a 1911 guy... definitely not a $2,000+ 1911 guy). Personally, when I get all my other “scary” gun purchases squared away, I plan on rebuilding that SR1911 into something different. Mainly, I’m going to yank all the MIM parts and install stainless. Not that I don’t trust MIM, granted if done right... but that I just like a full stainless gun.
I love mine... Series 70 was the big selling point. I did wish they offered a regular ran railed model, especially in stainless, but I do like the lines of a traditional Government model. Worst case, I’ll toss that Recover Tactical railed grip on... if I really need to run a light.

It shoots good, and fills the niche (I’m not necessarily a 1911 guy... definitely not a $2,000+ 1911 guy). Personally, when I get all my other “scary” gun purchases squared away, I plan on rebuilding that SR1911 into something different. Mainly, I’m going to yank all the MIM parts and install stainless. Not that I don’t trust MIM, granted if done right... but that I just like a full stainless gun.
They don't make any stainless MIM parts?
I love mine, I don't have the round count as some of the others in this thread but it's never given me any sort of problems which is more than I can say for my Sig Sauer 1911.

If and when I get another 1911 I'm gonna get another Ruger. Though I wish they still had their earlier prices...