What is with the conversion manuals?

oldbillthundercheif said:
"The Anarchist's Cookbook" that I saw way back when was deffinately not compiled from field manuals. It's a poorly-illustrated book of booby traps and dope-freak parphenalia put together by a bunch of hippies who have obviously never dealt with live ordinance. Most of the junk in it would never work, and the few things that would function would be more dangerous to whoever would try to build them than the intended target.

I got a copy of that book and as an amatur pyrotechnic chemist I can honestly say those formulas are very dangerous and unstable. I never made them, I am just saying I can tell because I know about chemicals.

I got quite a few full auto conversion books in my collection. I just like to read them for entertainment purposes. It's so cool to see how easy it is to convert a gun that normally costs $300 into a gun you would have to pay $15,000 to own legally.

Over Christmas, a girlfriend calls 911 3 times in 20 minutes in the City of Los Angeles. Police are to busy to come. Eventually, they catch two guys in the neighbor's yard, including the one trying to break into her home.

Sacramento has one dedicated officer monitoring 9500 registered sex offenders.

The last time my neighbors and I called 911, it took about 20 minutes for a response. The girlfriend of my crack selling neighbor had taken the newborn and was trying to flush it down the toilet.

The police don't prevent crimes. The police don't "solve" crimes. They "clear crimes". This is why caught car thieves "confess" to as many car thefts as possible. They are immunized from prosecution for those confessed crimes.

And, gee whiz, we have enough policemen to do what the poster suggests?

In the early 1970s, the FBI visited every federal book depository, every public library, every college library and pressured the librarians to remove the books from circulation and this was done.

The original poster has been watching too much television.
"I've always felt the people to watch are the guys who truck Sulphuric Acid, Liquid Nitrogen, and other various Hazmat chemicals. Imagine if they were hijacked or if they were bribed to give up their stuff......not a pretty sight, is it? Think of the damage that tanker could do."

You think that stuff is bad just think about the 15 tons of hi pressure gaseous chlorine and chlorine dioxide that we have at the treatment plant i work at. Or the truck with 40 tons that comes ever three weeks. CL2 is alot more damagine that sulpuric or even hydrochloic acid. Cuastic soda ain't nothin to sneeze at either.

Ugh. Chlorine is horrable stuff. Keep those valves tight, wolverine.

A liquid nitrogen spill is only dangerous if you happen to be in it's path of least resistance. Chlorine gas will kill the whole town. I think that's what Union Carbide let loose that one time when they wiped a mexican city off the map.
I think it was in India - Bhopal, to be exact, but point taken. Just goes to show you that the gov't can NOT keep us safe, without a complete total lockdown, and even then they cannot. So why surrender our freedoms if it's not gonna help?
Aw those books are just for academic purposes only, aka entertainment purposes. I have several conversion manuals and they are kind of fun to read. But realistically, BigMac nailed it. Who the heck needs a full auto weapon? Big waste of ammo on the range and a bigger waste of ammo in any real encounter.

What was that saying awhile back? May all your enemies be on full auto when they come for you..something like that.

I thought about the list thing also. I bought mine at a gunshow. No ID no questions, cash. Besides, most of the instructions I've read would require a machine shop. Something I or most other people do not have. To really attempt a conversion would be more risk than benefit even if it was sucessful.

Even if I hit the lotto I would'nt buy a FA. Well maybe a 22LR for fun.