What is with all the illegal machinegun threads?

and a 50 round drum mag

Did these ever come down in price?:rolleyes: Where do you order these nowadays? I still needa let Santa know where to go for it as I am fairly certain that the jolly ol chap is bring me a Charger because the word is that I've been a very good boy :-)
I saw one of those 10-22 drum magazines at the last gunshow I went to. I think they sell for well under $100 - just glanced at it, don't recall the exact price.
To be frank I dont see why everyone goes crazy when you mention a fa conversion . If some kid wants to start filing sears , hammers and such on his lil ruger , go ahead but when the round fires off before it fully chambers he will learn ! ' btw I have noo experiance on that issue ' . :D Even if it does chamber the rounds safe it will wear that lil ruger out so fast its stupid .For me Im not a ask for permission kinda guy . But I didsee somthing cool at the gun show this weekend . A guy has some belt feeds on display but they were set up to fire off of propane and oxogen with a igniter . not sure how it worked but he claimed it sounded like it was being fired . But the bottom line is if some one is asking for a how to on a conversion , then there is about a 99% chance that they already know the punishment for getting caught so reply how you see fit but im going to link them to the right way . If they want to do it the safe way then they can plan on 8-13hrs at least to manufactor the parts , and if you ask me thats a pretty good deterrent if the 10Kand 10yrs is not . I also have no personal experiance on the time estimate;). Go ahead and bash me , tell me the big bad atf is going to lock me up with bubba and antwon , yea yea yea . come on search my house and my guns . If any of you are stupid enough to do said conversions , dont leave them assembled for God sake
Open minded Mods....

We are pretty open minded, until it comes to advocating/assisting in an illegal act. If you do so, you are toast! Be warned!

We do not tell people the right way (or even the wrong way) to convert firearms to full auto. Since 1986, they cannot be registered, and made legal, in any fashion. So asking about conversions is asking about an illegal act (in the US), and passing along that information could be seen as conspiracy to violate Federal Firearms laws!

That's why, boatmonkey, we "go crazy" when someone mentions an illegal conversion. Risking shutting down the site, and possible charges in Fed Court, because some poster just had to explain to another poster how to violate Fed law is not something we tolerate. Period.

You can take all the chances with the Feds searching your house that you want. But taking chances in our house (the forums) is not going to fly at all. If we find anyone doing it, you will be gone, and your posts removed. All of them. Be warned, and be smart.
I did not mean to miff off any one . I think it comes down to free speech , the information is out there for any one to read , they even tell you how to make a atom bomb . I think what I was trying to get out was that if they think its as easy to file down this and that and 5 minutes later go out and play Rambo , then they are wrong . And they prob would not believe what they were told and do it any way , so if they had direction and saw for themselves just how complicated and precise it is then they would prob just drop the topic altogether . I know the forum could get in trouble which is also b/s but that’s the world we live in today . i.e. you ask me how to burn the tires off your car and when he gets caught I get in trouble . It just seems that folks get snappy and rude when asked what could be a innocent question . like hey how exactly do belt feed weapons work and how does a gun go from burst to f/a , how does a auto sear work ...... see where im going ? Maybe I just want to know , Im not planning another hollywood shootout . If some one ask me a question I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge . Im not a gun pro , gun smith or gun law expert , but I am a damn fine boat mechanic and appreciate the workings of a gun . I love to take them apart and finish off a ruff casting here and there and smooth this out and clean that, I may know what Im doing but I like to get opinions from the experts even on things I know how to do .

"The law is an ass"
Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist

It is the law though

EDIT:Most member on this forum hate Julian Assange (WikiLeaks), but some do not like the fact that this site will not tell you how to do Illegal FA

Think about the dichotomy.
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Its a thin line, or a narrow path....

Call it whatever you want, but it is real enough. I'm a former machine gun repairman, and I enjoy discussing autmatic weapons, and how they work. And, yes, all the information is public domain, BUT there is a point where it goes beyond abstract discussion of how a mechanism works and enters into a wonderful gray area that some people think is aiding in the commission of a crime.

Its sad, but as you said, it's the world we live in today. Yes, I can tell you how to make an atom bomb. And yes, you can also look it up for yourself. In general. But if I were to give you specifics, details, dimensions, etc. thenI might be in legal trouble.

Want to talk about why your MG 42 has feed trouble? Fine. Want to understand how the drum magazine of a Lewis gun is different from the drum of a Tommygun? Cool.

Want to know about silencers, so, after getting Fed approval you can make one? Ok, we can do that.

Want to know how to convert a semi auto to full auto? Nope. We don't do that here, because there is no legal way to convert anything anymore.

The Feds have a catch all law, commonly called "conspiracy", that lets them prosecute people who are involved in some fashion, but have not themselves physically commited a certain crime. The mob boss who orders the hit, doesn't pull the trigger himself, but can be jailed for conspiracy. The bomber who doesn't actually blow anything up, but tried to with dummy explosives he thought were real gets nailed with conspiracy.

And the poor well meaning guy who just provides some information (and maybe the web site he does it on) about how to convert a semi auto might just wind up in the same boat. So we try and steer well clear of anything remotely like that.

Is sad, but it's the way things are.