What is there about a 9mm?

Wow! Good info so far. I'm still at a loss as to what it is about the 9mm that I find so darned appealing? Don't get me wrong, I adore the guns the 9 comes in. The lines of the 9's are just about perfect. Some of the most attractive guns going are made for the 9mm.

It's the 9mm round itself! I just plain don't like it! The problem is, that doesn't even slow me down as far as lusting after or buying them!!!! It's totally irrational!

It's like I go into a show or a store, and as soon as I hit the entrance, this little nananana,nnannanannnnnnnine over here-> goes off in my brain.

Lordy yes! A good Cor-Bon in 9mm is plenty enough. For 7 yard room accuracy, no problem with the 9mm. I can offhand shoot it close to as accurate as my .44mag or the .45's. I don't feel at all undergunned with the 9mm, not like I do with say a .380 in the house or at the campground.

I just can't figure it!

LOL! It's just one of those things of mine. Kinda like I enjoy some European foods, but for everyday eatin, I'm a burger and fry kinda person.

I have 2 guns in 9mm, a Kahr K9 and a Glock 26. It is a caliber that caters to many tastes. There are an excellent selection of loads to choose from and many guns to shoot them with. For me, the balance of control and accuracy in the 9mm is excellent!
I had a S&W 9mm before I went into the service but I had my dad sell most of my inventory while I was gone. In the service I was happy with the .45 and unimpressed with the 9mm when they started issuing them. Later when I returned I jumped onto the .40 bandwagon for my duty guns.

However, lately I have been experimenting with different off duty / CCW weapons. I have settled on the KelTec P32 for an "always" pistol. I had tried a Glock 27, then a PPK, before ending up with the KelTec as easiest to carry. However, for those times that I can or want to carry something larger I am returning to the 9mm. I hope to be receiving a Kahr MK9 Elite 98 w/ Trijicon night sights soon. :D

So to make a long story short I have come full circle and find myself back in the realm of the 9mm. :)
I've got this flippin' arsenal but my Beretta stays loaded most of the time. About the only time I don't carry it is out in the woods. I like the calibre. It's always been a favorite. Best, J. Parker
I've got 3 Colts in .45 acp, and yet my competition gun is an FEG Hi power. Why? I seem to shoot it better.. and its a hell of a lot cheaper to shoot when you are going to shoot a lot. Esp. right now that my Dillon reloader is in a box. need to fix that.

But seriously, Hi-powers and CZ 75s have been around a long time, they are both really good guns. I wouldn't hesitate to carry either one.

Yeah I like 45's, but i like my 9mm too.
heh, Number 9, Number 9, Number 9. ;)

Seriously folks. I don't think the 9mm is a bad round. It is a decent round with a respectable track record. I whole heartedly agree that some of the finest working and best looking guns are built around the 9mm. What I can't understand is why I am so drawn to it for HD. I have never had any problem with recoil and control with even the .44magnum. I've even tried the .44 one handed "bullseye" style. While i'm far from a Bill Jordan, I managed to do Ok.
Right now, my CZ75B is sitting beside me. In all honesty, I think the CZ75 itself is probably the main reason I usually go for the 9mm instead of the .45.Something about it seems jus right for stashing under the bed, by the 'puter, between the cushions of the couch or whatever, without worrying about dinging up the finish. Maybe it's just the right combination of events, I dunno.(shrug) It just seemed strange that somehow I managed to aquire 4 9mm's, when I never gave the caliber much thought(read consideration) before.

And Dead,
No! You can't have the "pups" ;)
Hmmm. Why do I prefer a 9mm for HD?

Both 45 and 9mm FMJ have a 63% OSS record according to M&S, for what that's worth. Mileage improves with JHP rounds for both of course, but my point is, they're both quite effective rounds. For that matter, so are the 40 and the 357.

I'm not excited about the prosepcts of being able to hear or see after I torch off a 357 round, and I would hate to be the neighbors if I misssed. Not excited about my ability to fire controlled follow up shots with 357, 45, or 40.

Why 9mm? It is an effective round, it is easier for me to shoot quickly and accurately than 357, 40, 44, and 45, it is cheap for practice, lots of great guns chambered in it, many small enough for easy carry....I'm not ashamed to admit it-I like 9mm!
here ya go in case ya wondered

39 - in CQC/Alt. force
639 - in Semi Auto
78 - in Revolver
3576- in General Handgun
302 - in Rifle
48 - in Shotgun(?)
72 - in Full Auto
18 - in The Hunt
44 - In Lock 'n Load
30 - in Competition
9 - in Cowboy(?!?)
55 - in Gear and stuff
111 - in The Smithy
548 - in Reloading
72 - in Harley's Research
742 - in General
216 - in Legal
(Wow)- 9 in Suggestions-who'da thunk that?
202+271+38 In the For Sale forums

9mm is pretty popular huh K?
Musta been a tough day,
if it took till 10:4something,
to make it ;)
What the hey,
The 9's Ok,
Even though some call it
a little ,,,,,hit?

Burma Shave.
Its not round its the gun

I don't think its the 9mm round that has cast a spell on you. It is the CZ75B. I own an older CZ75 and nothing feels better in my hand. (wife excepted).
nine fingers,
Yep. You're spot on. It's the package the 9mm comes in. Even the sinister Walther P38 has a certain balance to it.

FWIW, I had this thread in mind today as I put some rounds down range. The best group I could manage with the CZ measured roughly 3 inches at 25 feet. The Colt Commander OTOH, gave me a 4 inch group with some questionable surplus ball ammo. S&B loads were *slightly* better, about an inch at 25 feet. Thing is though, even though I luuuuuv the Commander, I tend to "pamper" it. I can't see myself stuffing that beautiful black slide on stainless frame betwwen the matresses. The CZ however, just begs to be *used*. Not in an abusive manner, but honest hard work, "I'll do the job if you feed me right" attitude. Good gun. Real workhorse and it is really decent looking if you dress it up.
my Sig P239 9mm was the last gun I bought. I had started with a Glock 19 but found out that I was just not a Glock man. I missed the cheap bulk ammo that I could use in the Glock. I carry 147gr Hydra-shoks in the Sig, and feel that it is more than enough. The P239 is a tackdriver, and beside my .40 Border Marshal, the handgun I shoot the best.
I was watching a program about the navy seals (I think) and this seal commander was going through commenting on the various weapons that the seals use. The commander got around to handguns, and I quote: "This is the Beretta 92f, chambered in 9mm. I know, I have heard all about how the nine is a weak round and how it doesn't really do anything. But after I put two rounds through your heart and one through your head, you aren't going to care, and neither is the bad guy."
I would have to concur. It's not the caliber, it's how good you are with it.
I have only one 9mm and if I didn't need it as a demonstration piece for my classes I would get rid of it.

My only point is that tasts differ and personal preference doesn't make anyone right or wrong - just different!

I feel the most comfortable with 45 caliber but to all of you who like 9mm - enjoy!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm- I have 5 .45's and 6 9mm's, like 'em all, feel safe with any of them. The baby 9's (SIG 239 & 225, Kahr P9) are certainly easier and more comfortable to carry, though the Ultra Carry is pretty nice too, but when you throw in a couple of spare mags, I favor the 9mm (less is more). Variety is the spice of life, I guess. M2