What is the worst gun related advice you have ever gotten?


New member
We have all at one time or another gotten some bad advice in life, What was the worst firearms related advice that was given to you?
Just pull the trigger. That'll blow that mud out the barrel.

Didn't follow that advice and soon ended any association with that advisor.
______ is a perfect gun for the ladies.

Anything involving "knockdown power" or more than one usage of the word "tactical."
"WD-40 is great for guns"
Back in my early days a friend told me that WD-40 was a good gun oil. Luckily another, wiser friend explained that it is hydroscopic. That is it absorbs moisture and can actually cause rust in the long term. I'm glad he informed me of this before rusting up my guns.
Sell my TC Contender and get a Remington XP-100.

Could not stand the Xp. Miss the 30 Herritt. Outstanding ballastics. Great satisfaction in crafting my own cases, loading those 110 Jhp bullets, and rolling coyotes.
Well, I had someone tell me to swing the cylinder out in order to reload while I was shooting SA once......I couldn't figure out if it was a joke or not, though in retrospect I'm pretty sure they were being serious.

Other than that, and this was the costliest gun-advice: "Buy a 9mm". I have nothing against the the performance of the caliber, I just don't like shooting it. Every 9mm I've ever shot has had a very annoying type of recoil, and I MUCH prefer to shoot 40s&w or 45acp compared to it. Heck I prefer shooting stiff +p loads out of a snub over shooting any 9mm. Maybe I'm weird, I dunno. :)
lamarw...I remember that one. Say what?

Mine is "sell that Ruger Bearcat and get a real gun" (I already had a "real gun", a Colt 38. I will admit the grip on the bearcat was too small for my hands, but good for kids.
You need a pump shotgun because the sound of the action will scare burglars and other undesirables.

Lasers make everyone a better shooter.
just gives away your position if your concealed or shooting from cover.
Not true. According to some guy hanging around at the range, a criminal will wet his pants and run away when he sees the red dot on his chest.

I think it was the same guy who told me he loads a tracer as his first round to scare the bad guys off. I guess that works when the laser fails. Don't know if it works on wheat, though.
the wheat is very crafty and not often fooled by such childish tricks. its has a higher grain of character than to run away