What is the smallest caliber you often carry (25% to 50% of the time)?

What is the smallest caliber you often carry?

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  • Poll closed .
What would the most proper way to frame this question since

.380 and 9mm are the same caliber, aren't they? Maybe .001 difference depending on reloading manuals and cast vs jacketed.

same as .38 Super and...

and .38 Special and .357

and... .327 Fed Mag is the same diameter as a laundry list of others... .40 and 10mm...

I assume this is a question about "who makes a big hole even before anything hollow-points"

making a graph of this data would be an interesting exercise.
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While a .380 is my go to small, easy to conceal gun, I'll carry a .25 Colt Vest Pocket and a .22lr Bobcat now and again.

Otherwise, I prefer something in the 40 range....
When pocket holster carrying, it's .38SPL (J-frames), which is how I "voted" in the poll, unless the pockets are too short/tight, in which case it's .380 (LCP).

For belt carry, I may be wearing any of the 9's, .40's or .45's I carried and used over the years I worked in LE (and used them as a firearms instructor). Just depends.
My vote was 9 mm because of the 25% floor. I have a .380 that I carry, but less than 25% of the time - really one day a week in normal times, less with the virus restrictions.
To me “primary handgun” would be the handgun I use the most. That isn’t contingent on whether or not I carry it all the time (and I say this as someone that carries most of the time).
I asked originally, what's the smallest caliber you often carry.
I didn't ask which handgun do you use the most.

So, if you carry most of the time (as you stated), what caliber do you carry at least 25% to 50% of the time?
You misunderstand, or didn't read my first post.

I carry regularly, but the cartridge for which my primary carry is chambered is not in the list.
And the 'smallest' isn't carried often enough to meet your arbitrary minimum threshold.
What would the most proper way to frame this question since

.380 and 9mm are the same caliber, aren't they? Maybe .001 difference depending on reloading manuals and cast vs jacketed.

same as .38 Super and...

and .38 Special and .357
Just because two bullets have the same diameter, that does not mean they are the same caliber.
A 9mm Browning (.380 Auto) is not the same caliber as a 9mm Luger.
Considering bullet weight and bullet length, they have less in common than they have in common.

If you're at a gun shop and you ask for .38 Special caliber bullets, they man behind the counter isn't going to hand you .357 magnum ammo or .380 ammo...because there not the same caliber.

I assume this is a question about "who makes a big hole even before anything hollow-points
My question has nothing to do with what caliber makes a bigger hole.
This is not a caliber war question.
You're overthinking the question.

Simply "what is the smallest caliber that you often carry"?
I asked originally, what's the smallest caliber you often carry.
I didn't ask which handgun do you use the most.

So, if you carry most of the time (as you stated), what caliber do you carry at least 25% to 50% of the time?

My point was just because someone might not carry very often doesn’t mean, to me, that he or she can’t answer the question.

I already answered for myself.

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It doesn't matter how often a person carries.

Say that there is a person who has a .380 handgun and a .22 handgun, and that person carries just 3 days a year.
But they carry the .22 two of those days,
then the gun caliber they carry most often would be .22
I have a small .380ACP that I carry occasionally. I don't know if it's 25% of the time, but it is some of the time, at least.

I more commonly carry a 9mm, but there are times when none of my 9mms are suitable for the circumstances and then I'll go with the .380ACP.
As an "Old" person, this question baffles me! As the purpose of carrying a concealed weapon, self-defence is being ready to defend you and yours, at all times, day and night.
That is one gun, the same gun always. I have pointed a gun at persons, with intent to shoot them, once in the UK (1960) and 3 times in the USA.
The reason the pistol was drawn and aimed was the threat that was presented warranted it. Dexcalated, left the scene, holstered, done.
Reference calibre? In my case 9mm. Why? It is probably the most common pistol calibre in the world for Law Enforcement and the military. With good reason. To cause cease and desist with a firearm, shooting at a felon, the quickest, use a military calibre rifle. 5.56X45 or a 7.62.
As holsters can not be readably available for rifles, pistols need to powerful enough, and portable enough.
My selection, probably the most selected the Glock 19. I carry the G19 4th Gen. Federal 147g Hollow Points. The latest offering from Federal.
We have all seen many tests of pistol cartridge tests, in various mediums from expired hogs, to ballistic gelatin. To know that 9mm is good enough without being overly powerful IE exiting the body. Yet still doing the job.
Especially if more than one round is used. So we carry, every day. Just in case.
I don't carry anything but 9mm and 38 Special. 9mm is preferred whenever I can, but 38 Special for those times when I must pocket carry and can't carry IWB. (or for a BUG)

I just can't draw an auto from a front pocket as quickly as a hammerless (or shrouded hammer) J-frame. I want a full firing grip on draw, not thumb over the rear of the slide or hammer to clear the pocket.
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