Five thoughts generated in my mind from this thread
This has been an interesting thread. A lot of good input which has caused me to rethink a couple of points. I'd have to disagree with some of the comments that the problem is too complex and the options too limited for an internet forum. This forum is the perfect tool to capture a general consensus of opinions—granted it is the opinions of mere lay citizenry, instead of the lofty knowledge of “professionals” who know more than the rest of us, but it is none-the-less a valuable collection of thoughts.
Here are five of my personal thoughts after having read the thread up to this point. I discuss labels, evil, suicide, punishment, and my own culprits for having caused most of the problems within this country.
1. Labeling mass murders, suicide bombers, or gang bangers as cowards is useful if it deters future killers concerned with their legacy. We shouldn't shy away from labeling them what they are.
2. “Evil” is not in the world, and people are not inherently evil. “Evil” is a convenient label which displaces responsibility for an individual's actions, or for a group of individual's actions (Nazi Party). Evil is no more a force of nature than is “Good.” What we label as “Evil” are actions which reduce the likelyhood that mankind will florish (murder, canabalism, theft, adultry, etc). “Good” actions are activities which increase the chances of humankind to survive (helping your neighbor, pairing with someone of the opposite sex, improving one's self, protecting one's family, etc).
3. Some people suffer through life. Depressed people are often in this situation, as are people with chronic physical pain. Medication can oftentimes provide a mechanism to help these people deal with these debilitating problems. Whether it is government's responsibility to provide that care or not is a separate discussion. An alternative would be to permit euthanasia. Yes, we'd have to put a number of controls on that practice, but without that option suicide is often perceived as their only recourse.
Suicide by cop is an easy way out. Sucide by cop is sometimes a solution sought as a last recourse for people unable to face life and unable to end their own life. Suicide by cop puts the burden on the cop. To reduce that burden the person may choose to execute a crime so heinous that the cop will feel justified for killing them. This is both cowardly and at the same time, sad, that someone would find themselves in this situation. Worse yet, are the victims of the heinous crime who themselves often times have zero role in the suffering or the solution sought by the person seeking suicide.
4. Punishment should be in kind. It shouldn't be cleaned up and made humane. I believe that if a killer planning to shoot five people knew that he/she would be shot four times prior to receiving the final killing shot, they would think twice about killing innocents as a way of establishing their legacy, or as a way of ending their own existence.
5. I travel for business. During dinner converstations I tell people from other countries that we in the US have many strengths, some small weaknesses, but two major problems. With a little tongue in cheek I say that our two major problems are lawyers and journalists. We have too many of each. We as a country would be much better off if half of them would find constructive carreers in honorable professions like engineering, medicine, education, or prostitution (humor here).
Lawyers take away personal responsibility and work to remove or reduce the punishment for actions taken. A mass murderer has every reason to believe he/she will come out with a punishment much less than the suffering they caused the victims and their families.
Journalists glorify the worst behavior. Journalists aren't news people, they're “bad news” people. They sensationalize the worst of life. This sensationalism encourages that very behavior. A mass murderer has every reason today to believe that his/her face and name will be plastered all over the news, and that their record will be repeated over and over again everytime a new tragedy occurs.
To close with a couple of quotes from Mark Twain. The first on Journalists and the second on Lawyers:
“That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse.”
“Lawyers are like other people--fools on the average; but it is easier for an ass to succeed in that trade than any other.”