What is the Purpose of a "Truck Gun".

Are you a fan of keeping a Truck Gun in your vehicle at all times?

  • Heck yeah! A Truck Gun is a great idea!

    Votes: 50 58.8%
  • Heck no! Truck Guns the dumbest idea EVER!

    Votes: 35 41.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Except it's not. A thief can break into your car and steal it, not knowing a gun is in there but finding a nice little surprise when strip it at a chop shop. No one can make off with your house.

How is that my responsability? It's perfectly legal to keep a firearm in my vehicle and I shouldn't do it on the chance that a thief might steal it? Maybe we should do more about thieves.
No one can make off with your house.

No but they can break in and steal ALL your guns, now apparently you've supplied the whole gang.

There are 3 times the numbers of guns stolen during burglaries as are in all other property crimes combined.

Bill's correct liberal teaching has you on the slippery slope, the only way to keep guns away from criminals is for you to give yours up, remember if it only saves one life, it's for the children blah blah blah

Heck while we're at it they could run through a playground with your stolen car, better get rid of that too.
I'm not saying give up your guns. I just think that the best place for your gun while outside your home is on your person. It is the most readily accessible in an emergency and you are responsible for it at all times. Again, just my opinion.
Back in the day, it wasn't unusual to see a .30-30, shotgun, or both hanging in a pickup rear window rack. Nobody thought anything of it. At least not in South Texas where I grew up.

Times have changed and so have I. There's no way I'd leave a firearm in a vehicle full time today. Sure, I'll leave it there when I have to go into a prohibited place and maybe even have one or three secured out of sight a few days when travelling but their usual and permanent home is in the house.
I just think that the best place for your gun while outside your home is on your person.
It would be better to have all your guns in your possession at all times and not leave them in the house for hours unattended too.
There have been on average 120,000 more guns stolen in burglaries that all other property crimes combined.
I voted "yes", but maybe shouldn't have, as I am outside of the OP's defined statistical universe.

I live in a fairly remote rural area and work in a large (1 million +) city.

I commute ~100 miles round-trip every weekday to work in a mandated gun-free facility.

Essentially, I leave home prepared to walk back under adverse circumstances if it becomes necessary.

That being said, I would probably have a truck gun anyway, as I believe in being prepared.

Also, I disagree with the idea that a person is responsible for arming (or providing a mode of transport for) a criminal who steals (or steals from) a locked vehicle.

Actually, your truck gun rationale is sound. Under your circumstances I know I would do (have done) the same.
As someone already posted, why do some people blatantly disagree on leaving a firearm in a vehicle? (whether is a short or extended period doesn't matter)

A gun in a vehicle should always be accompanied by its owner.


For many people it is not possible to absolutely have the gun on you at all times. What if you have to go to places where guns are lawfully prohibited e.g. schools, hospitals, federal buildings, post office, etc? People have to go to those places if you have children, or if you work there, or have any sort of business that must be done in such places that lawfully prohibits guns. This can happen in many cases and you may not have a choice but to leave it in your vehicle for a certain amount of time.
In my personal semi-ideal world, I would have a dedicated truck gun (maybe an AK or AR).
In practice, I carry on my body -- it is just easier to keep track of it when it is on me and I have it when I need it. I have kids and leaving a gun unattended even in a locked car in the garage is not wise for my situation.
Justice06RR said:
For many people it is not possible to absolutely have the gun on you at all times. What if you have to go to places where guns are lawfully prohibited e.g. schools, hospitals, federal buildings, post office, etc? People have to go to those places if you have children, or if you work there, or have any sort of business that must be done in such places that lawfully prohibits guns. This can happen in many cases and you may not have a choice but to leave it in your vehicle for a certain amount of time.

This is why this question/poll is going to be so hotly debated as everyone's situation is different. I work on a heavily secured installation, but I can't carry my CCW. We've been warned about terrorist targeting and to be vigilant but that heavy security doesn't escort me home. My only option is to leave a "truck gun" in my truck.

I'll caveat that my vehicle is very secure while at work and my gun is never left in my vehicle overnight. The sad fact is that many fear regulations and laws more than criminals; laws preventing self-defense are much more irresponsible than those forced to make the choice of having to have a truck gun. A dedicated truck gun is not for everyone or every situation; it's not the most ideal situation, but often the it's the lesser of two evils. If I don't have a truck gun while at work, I will be much more vulnerable when I actually need it while commuting.

"Back in the day," when I drove Jeep CJ's, I kept a wooden box back of the seat. I kept things like a few canned goods, a mess kit, Sterno stove, salt & Pepper, and such in that box, along with tow straps, come-a-long, etc. I figured if I ever broke down, or got stuck and had to spend the night in the woods, I was ready..(The fact that I could walk out of ANYPLACE this was likely to happen, in MAX 15-20 minutes had NO bearing on "needing" this stuff you understand). I considered buying one of the AR-7 Explorer rifles to keep in the box...just in case.

Never did, but I thought about it.
Many of the posts on this thread are arguing at cross-purposes, since quite a few posters believe that a "truck gun" could mean a long gun kept in the vehicle. That was my take ...

Much of the back-n-forth over leaving the gun in the vehicle or "taking it with you" arguably applies only handguns, whether carried concealed or openly (per your state's carry laws) since that's fairly simple to do.

The scenario changes if, by "truck gun," we're referring to a rifle or shotty kept in your vehicle. It's not like most people are going to pull it out and then carry it slung across their back when they go into Wally mart for groceries simply based on the off-chance that a thief could breach the vehicle's passenger compartment or trunk and steal it while they're stalled in the checkout line. :eek:

Hence, there is the strong consideration for one of the many vehicle "lock boxes" designed specifically for storing valuables or weapons. Many sizes and configurations are available for different cars, SUVs, etc., some of them very discreet.
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I voted No, but disagree with the wording of both choices. There are places and times I feel it's okay and in no way "the dumbest idea EVER!"

The definition I grew up with was a knock-around (usually a long gun), that could be left in the truck but not necessarily. It could be loaded or not.

When I worked in a truck stop as a teenager, an old coworker named Clyde pull us (mostly teenagers) aside, showed us his truck gun and told us "If we ever get robbed, shoot 'em with it." It was a very old 12 gauge single shot, pitted and rusted through and through. We were more terrified of pulling the trigger on that gun than ever being robbed.
I'm not voting because your poll is a little too black and white. There are times it is a stupid idea, there are times it can be a great idea.

In the scenario you set up in your first post, a glove box gun, I don't really see the point unless you don't have a CCW and you live in a state that allows you to keep a loaded gun in the car (it used to be common that many states had laws allowing loaded guns in cars but no CCW laws, but now few states, possibly none, that allow loaded guns in cars don't have shall-issue or easy "may issue" CCW laws). If your CCW location is hard to get to while driving, have an alternative place for it while you are in the car.

I can see temporarily locking a gun in the car when you are CCWing your gun and go into someplace where you cannot carry. Though, I don't really see that as a truck gun, but rather as a temporary situation.

However, like a few others have posted, when I envision a truck gun (or trunk gun if you have a car) what comes to mind is a rifle or shotgun. At home, a pistol is to fight your way to the long gun. A long gun has many advantages over a pistol (better practical accuracy and most power being the biggest). Just because you are away from home doesn't change that. Sure, there are plenty of possible scenarios where you won't be able to get to the long-gun and it won't help you. However, if an attack happens while you are fairly near your car, the handgun could help you get to the car where you can get to the more effective long-gun.

Now, I don't like the idea of a handgun locked in my car. A car is easier for a thief to get in than a house, and at home, I keep my guns in a safe when I'm not around. While it wouldn't be my fault that a criminal decided to steal from me, I don't want to make it easier to arm him/her. That said, few long-guns are used in crimes since they are pretty much impossible to conceal. So, while they may steal it to sell, I'm not really making it easier for a criminal to get a gun that may be used in future crimes.
I truck gun isn't a sd gun, its a rifle to shoot varmints while you are out feeding the livestock and doing other work on the farm.

I think most guys here are talking car guns...
Toney said:
I truck gun isn't a sd gun, its a rifle to shoot varmints while you are out feeding the livestock and doing other work on the farm.

I think most guys here are talking car guns...

Because that's exactly what the OP said:

samsmix said:
FIRST the parameters: this post has nothing to do with "truck guns" in Rural areas, which make a lot more sense. It is meant for a glove boxed handgun that might be a useful self defense tool if you weren't carrying already. It also doesn't apply to the extra one you might throw in the glove box while traveling. I'm talking about 24/7 self defense "truck guns".
If your CCW location is hard to get to while driving, have an alternative place for it while you are in the car.

Only if it doesn't involve a public toilet for retrieval...:D:D:D
I don't want one but the law makes me have one

In Texas we just got a FORM of open carry. Trouble is businesses have the right to put up specific signs that prohibit citizens of carrying. There is one sign for open carry, and one sign for canceled carry. Plus when you add in Post Offices, Federal buildings, court houses, schools, we end up with places we must go, but can't carry. I try to avoid businesses that post these signs, but that may not always be possible. In these cases my side arm must become a truck gun for a brief time.

Someone should be telling these federals and the local businesses that they may inadvertently be giving criminals lots more guns to grab cause us law abiding citizens have to make our carry guns, truck guns open to theft.

So by no choice of my own I have a truck gun at times. I wonder how many others are forced to leave a loaded weapon under their seat while they run into the Post Office. The unintended results of poorly thought out laws. so I don't want one but the law makes me have one:(