Several things
Dot in the five sided symbol is +p+ not all glock barrels are.
Not all Glocks are hexagonal rifled. In fact, only about 80% are. Out of my all factory Glocks, two of them are hexagonal.
Prudent is not something adults teach kids in the last couple of generations. Example, it can be done, but it is best NOT to pee into a strong wind. Another example of head strong, but not from knowledge is shooting lead bullets from any gun that says not to in the owners manual.
Another example is lighting fires with gasoline as kindling. It can be done, but it is not prudent to do so. Why? The thousands of people that have tried lighting a fire this way , some of them learned it was dangerous. Other people seeing it is danderous, eithor dont do it, prudent, or do it anyway and just try to be a bit more careful.
John Wayne had a saying he was fond of: "Life is hard, it is harder if you are stupid".
Glock lead shooters will learn from the expirence of others or they will learn from their own experiences. One involves reading, watching you tube videos, the other way involves bandages and eating crow.
Their was a billionaires kid some years ago, liked to go down the amazon river on small boats and study tribsmen known to be waring and cannibals. He went in and out of the jungle many times with no problems, until the time he did not come out of the jungle.
Prudent. Build it into your lifestyle and amaze your friends and family.