What is the most painless way of killing a heavily wounded mammal?

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IMHO, any animal in north america with the exception of possibly a big bruin can be instantly and reliably dispatched with a point blank shot with a projectile over 8 grains delivered at 1,000 fps or more to the brain (if known) or to the area immediately south of the skull to where the spine joins the brain stem. It is instant and all over humane dispatch.

I "brain" hogs with a high power .177 pellet rifle no matter the size of critter... They drop to their knees dead 100% of the time no matter their size...

If you look up the term "pithing" and translate it from blade to projectile, you will understand the brainstem/spine connection point and resulting humane death.

In hindsight, I have to admit it does look a little suspect with the homo sapiens brain reference in there. I only wanted to signify that we’re talking about a big species (like a buffalo, bear or deer).
Than you should have said that in the first place and I would not compare a deer with either a bear or a bison assuming you didn't really mean buffalo.

Find a site like this one and get anatomical targets to find out where hunters have learned to shoot game.


Your choice of guns made little sense either which is why it looks like you are trolling. Not many of us have 10 gauges because 12 has taken over what the 10 could do with 3 and 3 1/2" magnums 20 you wouldn't use on anything larger than a deer, your other choices are not hunting guns but if you aren't hunting but slaughtering a penned animal then a 38 special will do as good a job as the 10 gauge.

Mostly it would help if you would have stated why you wanted to know instead of the limited parameter you gave with no reason for it. If you answer is in the title, a downed wounded animal then any gun you downed it with to the skull will do it. Before you hunt learn your basic anatomy so you aren't just blowing holes in it's sinus cavities.
All autonomic functions needed for life are controlled by the brain stem. You can survive a shot to any other part of the brain execpt here. A shot to the base of the skull would not only destroy the brain stem but possibly sever the spine and make for a quick painless death.
Agreed. When I worked at my grandfather's meat shop all I used was a .22 mag to drop even the biggest pigs and bulls with the exception of one boar that took 6 shots from the 2# and 3 from a 30-30 point blank
The correct answer is what ever you shot the critter with in the first place given that you were using and appropriate cartridge/platform. There not a deer combo made that won't finish a deer off with a shot to the head. There's not a bear combo made that won't finish a bear off with a shot to the head. There not a bunny combo made that won't finish a bunny with a shot to the head.

Worrying about all that other stuff is pure nonsense which for the OP, is why you are suspected of being a troll. Nonsense in, nonsense out.

really...most of yall have never shot cow for slaughterat 5 ft..or a dog at less. slightly above the eyes center of the forehead will drop it so quick it falls on its own feet...30-30..even a 22 will do it...17 works good.

i aint speculating....
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