what is the most common handgun for police and leo in the states?


New member
i have seen them carry glock 21,19 and have seen them carry a sigma 40
what is the most common issued sidearm?
I heard a sherriff's deputy friend of mine the other day say 70% of LE firearms are Glocks...sounds about right. I'd bet money at least 75% of those are G22/G23.
I know a lot of LE agencies carry Glocks, but I don't personally know of any.

Here in SE Az, the Cochise County deputies have been carrying 1911 .45's for many, many years. Border Patrol carries H&K P2000's. Don't know what Az state partrol carries, but seems I heard Sig 9mm's.
I would have to say Glocks, Sigs, and Berettas. I am a LEO and get to travel all over the country alot with training ect. from my experance 80% of LEOs carry one of the 3, seems to be mixed fairly evenly between those 3.
In my local area Glocks appear to be the most often issued pistol. One small agency issues S&W autos in 40 S&W caliber.
My local PD uses Glock 22's and 23's, the sheriff's dept. uses Sig 226's and 228's and the state police use Glock 17's and 19's. One other nearby town uses Glock 21's while yet another uses Ruger P345's.
My city carries Berettas, but they are researching something else, as several of the new officers hands are too small for the grips---yes, we now have hired munchins for officers.
Around here it went from M92's to glocks, Sigs, and M&Ps. Locals carry glocks. Sheriffs carry Sigs, and staties carry M&Ps.

Staties also use the .357 sig. Everyone else uses the .40.

I can't remember what Charlotte is using, but last time I locked I thought it was the PX4. Could of been mistaken though.

Its a good mix.
Glocks are by far the largest in the market. Sig and S&W are the other two major contractors. Beretta is a distant fourth. The most popular caliber nationwide is the .40s&w.