I voted semi-auto rifle but anything is fine with me. I go with a friend to the range with settl at 200 and 300 yards. Most of mine are iron sights while his AR has a scope. We'll shoot for a while and then swap guns. Hits on steel with his are pretty easy with the optics, mine can be more challenging. The last time we went we shot ARs, M1, a scoped Remington 742 Woodsmaster (dad's old deer rifle) and the Camp 45. All are semi-autos, but it's also fun to get out the old bolt guns, some of which are over 100 years old, and do the same with them. That M1 gives you immediate feedback when you connect.... Bang-Whack, Bang-Whack. The 300 yard plates are getting harder since I need reading glasses now, but still fun. We sprayed them with a fresh coat of yellow paint to help on that account. Maybe next time I'll get some florescent green or orange and see how well that shows up.