What is more important.....The first or second amendments??

I'll admit that the amendment about quartering soldiers in your house, while still relevant, is somewhat redundant in light of the "taking" concept (no grabee without due process or compensation).

It came about in a time when it was common practice for the King to quarter his troops whereever they marched through. In times of peace, the host were suppose to be compensated (and they were paid when they fed them too. Some less scrupulous innkeepers fed the soldiers very poor quality food and saved the profits for themselves. Hey! It sounds like today) and in times of war, while compensation was to be made, the host would be lucky if the troops didn't loot the place. Read William Lawrence's "A Dorset Soldier" for an account of wartime looting & soldierly pilfering at its finest.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt