What is is your noise-in-the-backyard gear?


New member
What stuff do you usually bring when you hear a noise in your backyard or something like that? How do you carry it?
I live in the country, and have no land-line phone...

cell service is sporadic at my place... (almost useless)

BUT, the truck (with keyless entry) is only a couple feet from the door (and protected)

grab a shotgun (shorty 870 or Stoeger coachgun)

enter truck, start it, on go all 7 overhead lights, and the headlights and driving lights...

drive around house... (can always drive away if necessary)

All this assuming it is a human problem. (good eyes, and a quick look through the window will confirm this!)

USUALLY it is coyotes... so, the tools are my Marlin .44 mag levergun or the 12 Ga. pump, and a maglite... (6 cell)

open door slow, jacklight offending vermin, take quick but thourough look to make sure it's a coyote, place sights between eyes, and shoot... (haul the carcass to the pit in the am...)
.45 or shotgun, streamlight flashlight.

Sit inside near phone, light up backyard with lights. If it is racoons, stupid kids or burglar, they'll probably run.

If some sort of death squad/home invader unit, easier to nail them coming thru the door.
dogs. 200lb of dogs.

120lb saint bernard , 50 lb pitbull. go back to sleep.:D let dogs in in the morning.
USP .45 and surefire E2e. No 911 for bumps in the night for me - guess it's a death wish? Must have read too much Hagakure.
Surefire flashlight, S&W 686 revolver, two large dogs, maybe a vest. But they've got to get over the fence first.

I try to protect myself my loved ones and my property. I usually prescribe to the theory that a man should take care of his own problems.
I usually prescribe to the theory that a man should take care of his own problems.

Not even a trained LEO would want to go out alone in a scenerio like this. You gotta be alive to take care of your problems. If you go outside, looking for an unknown threat (unless not feasible, like Hermi), you are taking unneeded risks. Call the cops and let them handle the outside problems. If the BG tries to enter the house, then you're there to defend your family until the cops arrive.

Put flood lights around your house, facing AWAY from the house. Using motion sensors or even flipping them on yourself will deter most nighttime prowlers.
A pair tactical (black) miniture weiner dogs! Loud bark and nothing else. But they can snoop and poop in the backyard exquisitly!

If you go outside, looking for an unknown threat (unless not feasible, like Hermi), you are taking unneeded risks.
Well sir, you might be right. Of course on the other hand, my dad, my grandfather and most of my other role models have prescribed to this theory and not only am I still alive and kicking, so are they. So far I have managed to do a pretty bang up job of taking care of myself my loved ones and my property and as yet I haven’t needed to call in any help when things go bump. Don’t worry, I will if I need to though. ‘Preciate your concern for my well-being however.
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I will load up a DCTEC9 with the 32 rd mag. Install beret on melon, don the SOF tactical T-shirt, camo pants, jump boots, and tanto blade in teeth. Have Desert Eagle (Gold) as back up gun, mexican carry. Jump out of second story window, do a double flip while using covering fire from tactical Theresa in camo thong underwear from bedroom window. Close eyes, because the DCTEC9 is so accurate, and dump 32 rds, reload, dump another 32 rounds into the general direction of sound. New York reload with Desert Eagle (gold) and run in to finish off the 14year old toilet papering my beloved tree. After my dogs finish eating the carcass, they need this for their attack training, I might call the county meat wagon to clean up the mess. Go back inside, make love to tactical Theresa in her tactical teddy and live happily ever after. That's what your supposed to do in my state!

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No sweat. :) You have one advantage many of us do not. Being in Texas, you can use deadly force on your property with more leeway than most of us. I'd just assume let the cops handle it because I don't want to fork out $50k for lawyers.
Being in Texas, you can use deadly force on your property with more leeway than most of us. I'd just assume let the cops handle it because I don't want to fork out $50k for lawyers.
Neither do I. However, investigating a “bump” does not a shooting make.
Actually, I tend to check front yard noises with a SIG .45 in my front pocket. Backyard noises the pistol is in my hand, unless I decide the 20 gauge Winchest 1300 is appropriate.

I've only had one occasion where I seriously though someone was actually back there, and then I did call 911. Phoenix's finest were on the scene within about 2 minutes, and I had told the 911 operator that my pistol would laying on the couch, empty, with the slide locked back & no magazine. The 911 call was more for legal CYA than anything.

When I do midnight yardwork I carry in a military bianchi holster, usually under my shirt, unless I think display is appropriate.
I have a quick crisis belt I put together based on tips I got from Denny Hansen. It consists of one of those 2" ballistic nylon belts with the quick deploy buckle so you can snap it on over athletic shorts and the like in a hurry and still be well prepared. It contains a holster for my .40 with a spare mag pouch, Surefire M-2 light on weak side in polymer holster, (8) 12g 2 3/4 00 buckshot, and a C.R.K.T. Kasper Pro clip on folder ( large) I may add a couple of large tie straps. The shotgun shells are cause in MY H.D. situation where I live the Mossy 590 would be the first long arm reached for. Granted this is for the bigger back yard comotion, I also have a CS9 and Streamlight Scorpion REAL handy for the little woman to back me up with. In Fl you can't use deadly force to save property so I'd be staying inside if I felt the need to send an investigator out to the back yard my Rottie will get that detail and he is quite effective.
Matt, you failed to mention your laser sight on your TEC9. As well, how about your NVGs that you used in SEEL Team 37.5?

Why not do as your brother would do and use cannister in the 106mm reckless or, of course, the claymores in the trees (or foo gas depending on your location [foo gas not good for hairy-chested Western States in drought conditions])?

Whatever you do, remember, only sissies like KSFreeman worry about Problem #2 and you looking like gun shoppe commando in front of jury.