What IS good off-hand handgun shooting?

Once you gain some skill at trigger control, follow-through and calling the shot, you should be able to shoot groups approaching what the gun is capable of producing.

You won't be able to shoot terrific groups every time, but you should be able to shoot good groups on demand.

The Ruger 22/45 shown below could probably shoot groups around 0.3 - 0.5 inches at 25 yds.

It is certainly different strokes for different folks. There is no way on God's Green Earth that I can ever get to shooting 3" groups at 25 yards with my S&W 627PC. The revolver has the ability, I do not. Back in the 60's I was on the base rifle team. Today I am a disabled old man with loss of fine motor coordination and half my balance sensors. If I can hold 6-7" at 25 yards, 3-4" at 10 yards, or 2/3'rds on the paper at 50 yards I am very happy. These are a leisurely ten shots in ten seconds, not a rapid fire scenario.

I think folks do a disservice by specifying a certain level of performance is "Good", "Bad", or "Excellent".

It seems to me such judgment calls remain with the individual. If a person is happy with their performance, then shoot to maintain. I not happy, then raise the bar and practice more often, get outside help, try some competition shooting. Keep it up until you are happy with your shooting. Maybe you are one of those types that just ain't happy til you beat the other guys. On the other hand you might be happy putting 3/4's of your shots into the black at whatever range you choose.

Good luck, and happy shooting.
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If you have to shoot the neighbor and you shoot him but not his cat you done good. If you are the one still standing after a gun fight and the other gun shooter isn't you done good. If you can do the above using either hand you done good.
I agree that there is a huge difference in target shooting and combat shooting. All so if I ever had to shoot with my left hand I would be in trouble. My brother turned me on to shooting with the left hand if the right hand was ever disabled. With my right had (even shooting 1 handed) I am pretty good but shooting left handed my targets look like they where shot with a 12ga rather than a hand gun.

It wasn't until recently that I started working on the speed of my shooting.
I shoot qualifying targets with snubbies, and a Hi-Point at 100 yards, off hand. When I was in the Navy near Avenal California, I used to shoot running Jackrabbits with my Colt S.A.A. .45, Off hand.

What good is the handgun if you don't shoot off hand well??? Practice, shooting offhand if like playing a piano by hand, otherwise use a rifle...
I'll give you my definition of good off hand shooting. Keep all of the shots in a space between the nipples horizontally. Keep them between the base of the sternum and lowest point of the collarbone vertically.

If you can do that with three shots, from the draw, in four seconds at 7 yards you are doing well.

Then there is the 4-5 school of thought. 5 shots in a 5" circle from 5 yards in 5 seconds.