What is going on at S&W?

Couple of quickies for openers.

Do you want to, in the near future, only be able to buy a gun than cannot be fired by anyone except the registered owner ? Wife, partner, friend etc. And then only if the batteries are good?

Do you want the government being essentially on the board of directors of a private company?. Dictating the specs for each product ? Paid for by the private company and thus by you as the customer.

Sure Ruger "started it" and SAAMI supported it but do you want your local dealer who carries SnW amongst many other things to be unable to stock grandfathered standard capacity mags, the assult rifle of the day as defined by the government of the moment?

Do you want a portion of your funds to go toward the "smart gun" research.? Another portion of your funds to go toward the support of those who would deny all of our gun ownership rights?

If you want a safety on your revolver, that is your choice. Do you want to force everybody to have to use such a device? Remember, modern revolvers do not go off unless the trigger is pulled.

Do you want to deny the elder couple or single living on social security the best protection available because affordable guns will be only available on the black market?

A Raven in hand beats the whey out of a smart Wilson with dead battery, or even just a lock on it.

"Shall not be infringed" sound familiar?

Sam....I'm sure there will be more....those just off the top of my head.
branrot, "what's so bad about it" is very simple.

It's government control of something that is none of their business. It's a further curtailment of our God given right, as recognized in the 2nd Amendment.

What's so bad about it is every word in it. What's so bad about it is "Drop tests, background checks, safeties, record keeping, etc.".

Do you want to wake up one morning in Australia? They said it couldn't happen there, too. Now they have NO guns.

Like Johnny Cash and his Cadillac, the gun control crowd is getting what they want "one piece at a time", and it's working very well for them because most Americans have no sense of history and can't seem to see the big picture, even when it's slapping them in the face.

What's wrong with it is that it's Police State Lite.

And the full strength version is just waiting in the wings.

If this sounds to you like right wing fanatic paranoia, I'd be willing to be you are still getting your news from the TV and newspapers. If you ARE, sir, please consider from whom it is you are getting your idea of what's going on in this country. No one can be well informed if they get their info from the likes of Jennings, Brokaw, and Rather.
Like Johnny Cash and his Cadillac, the gun control crowd is getting what they want "one piece at a time", and it's working very well for them because most Americans have no sense of history and can't seem to see the big picture, even when it's slapping them in the face

Exactly. This agreement is bad, but the NEXT ONE will be worse.
If they are going to stick by the agreement with the Klinton administration, then I am going to stick with the ban. Screw S&W and their new owners if they are dumb enough, that they can't see what that agreement did to the previous owners. The ban lives...7th
Some people say that S&W has a long and glorious history (true) and if we let it die the antis will have won a round. 'We need ALL the gun companies!'

That's like saying that we need Army officers in our battle against the British, so Benedict Arnold should not hang. After all, he's one of ours, and if we kill one of ours the British have won a round.

S&W has turned traitor. You hang traitors. Both as a matter of simple justice AND as a deterrent to others.

IF they find some principles and some guts, and kill the agreement, that's plenty soon enough to buy S&W. And I will. THen.
FWIW, here's my two cents (well, maybe a nickel's worth):

The problem with this and any other so-called "common sense" gun law is that the gun grabbers start reading between the lines.

Hell, if they read between the lines in something as crystal clear as the Second Amendment, what should we expect when they get their hands on some mushy, ambiguous document written by gun grabbing lawyers.

This is why so many of us are PO'ed at the NRA, isn't it?

The People's Republic of NJ is a prime example. The state law is "interpreted" by the authorities in ways to make it harder and harder for law-abiding citizens to buy so much as an air rifle, never mind a handgun. They delay and add things that are not in the law. (My understanding is that a clause in the state law allows local police chiefs pretty wide discretion in these matters.) The idea is to make a gun purchase such a pain in the butt that most people just won't bother. It is the belief of the liberal elite of NJ, in spite of their proximity to the Sept. 11 attack, that the government can protect them. But what can you expect from voters who have given the nation the likes of Frank Lautenberg and now Jon Corzine?

In these perilous times, I think every citizen in his right mind ought to be standing in line at the gun counter looking to purchase some peace of mind. But good luck if you live in NJ.
And even if you endure the process and buy a hand gun, forget about concealed carry, which is REALLY what we need. That is a privilege -- not a right -- reserved only for the politically well-connected.

Fortunately, most other states are moving toward "shall issue" carry laws.

But look out: The Big Brother liberal elite are starting to slither out into the heartland, into places like Wyoming, Montana and Colorado; Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
And they can look like Elephants as well as Jackasses.

No more "agreements." No more gun laws. Period.

Preserve the Second Amendment. As W told the Taliban: This is not negotiable.