What if the choice in 2008 is...

IMO voters will elect a moderate candidate for president. If Republicans put up a real conservative, they will probably alienate many moderates, critical to the success of the eventual winner. Same goes for a liberal Democrat.

It's always baffled my how Democrate and Republican want to nominate candidates that are true blue or fire red. A moderate like Romney probably has the best chance of winning in November, but his chances of winninng his party's nomination are even less of a sure thing.
IMO voters will elect a moderate candidate for president. If Republicans put up a real conservative, they will probably alienate many moderates, critical to the success of the eventual winner. Same goes for a liberal Democrat.

I agree that voters will tend to go moderate in the general election...

Having said this, I don't see Mitt as a moderate.

From a social issues standpoint, IMO... he is FAR to the left.
Maybe Bloomburg will declare Independent. He might be Hillary's spoiler...

I just wish to Hell Lou Dobbs was running! ;)
voters will tend to go moderate in the general election...

And in the last fourty years the president who won the largest pluralities and electoral votes was.........

Ronald Reagan.

Yeppers, "Mr. Moderate" himself. :D

Before that it was Richard Nixon, another "Moderate". :rolleyes:

That's what the Republican party needs a canididate with Positive Outlook, Deeply Held Conservative (both economic and social) Principals, and a real plan (not just "Change") without coming off as a kook.

Then they'll win in a landslide. I sick of the "Yeah, but I'm not as liberal as my democrat opponent" canidates that are running.