What if I shoot an agent or cop.

This is not just a hypothetical situation... Recently there has been talk of a SWAT operation where they broke in on a guy who did not cower but killed two of the officers. They ultimately killed him, but none the less, there are now two SWAT widows... Didn't even mention what his crime was, the media just portrayed him as a criminal...hmmm

Wish I could remember the details of where it was, etc.

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle
Bereft Family Disputes Police Shooting Report
By ANNE-MARIE O'CONNOR, Times Staff Writer

It was an hour before midnight when an El Monte police SWAT team, serving a search warrant as part of a
broad-ranging narcotics investigation, undertook what it called the "high-risk entry" of a Compton
home--shooting the locks off the front and back doors.
Their warrant, which named no one in the Paz home, says police expected to find marijuana and cash
belonging to a suspected member of a drug ring who had allegedly used the house as a mail drop. They found no
drugs, but in the course of the search they shot a retired grandfather twice in the back--killing him.
As everyone can see by the previous post that my scenerio is not so far fetched. If honest citizens had no guns this would not be a problem for police. The writing is on the wall, I just hope we are all reading it.
It was the Cobb County Police Department in Atlanta that recently lost two SWAT team members in a supposed hostage situation. The suspect had been acting erratically for some time (days at least, his family was trying to commit him). He threatened his neighbors and then shot and wounded the policeman who responded to this incident. He then retreated into his home where his mother was present. The police have refused to give the reason they decided to go in. Supposedly fear he would harm his mother but they refuse to give details on why they would believe he intended harm to her. One officer was shot while entering. The police again refuse to give details but the implication is that there was some type of unsuspected obstacle at this entry point that immobilized the policeman thus giving the suspect time to change position, gain the tactical advantage and shoot him. The second officer was shot while attempting to rescue the first. The suspect was killed by sniper fire the next morning while attempting to flee the building through a window per police report.
Very rarely does the potential interpretation of a casual post bother me into the next day. I want to stress that I wish no harm towards any LEO who is placed by a mistake in a situation he has no control over, like entering the wrong residence in a no knock warrant. I admit I have a problem with these types of warrants and SWAT teams in general. I fully realize that if confronted with this situation I would almost certainly lose if I attempted to resist. I promise if during the event I realized they were cops I would surrender immediately and let the lawyers sort out the mistake. The faster the team can pin me down the safer I would be actually in this situation. Point is with my security system that the team has no "intelligence" on because it is the wrong address might give me just enough time to get killed. It also might tell me these are cops and do not resist. This potential scenario bothers me. By no fault of my own, because these police and judicial tactics exist, I am less safe in my home. I don't pretend to know everything and although I am not extremely intelligent, I can still be educated. Teach me.
NO ONE enters my home without an invitation. any leo who has a VALID warrant, would only have to knock and ask politely too come in, will be allowed to enter and serve the warrant with full cooperation. no warrant, no knock entry, the 2nd civil war will begin early for me. i am just one law abiding citizen that refuses too be bullied by criminals, with or without badges.