What I like about TFL

I still buy a few gun magazines once in awhile... Need something to read in the bathroom! :D

Unlike MAXIM Magazine - I read gun magazines only for the Pictures...
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
My wife gave me my subscription; she found a deal for one year for $12!


I, too, have found that I never buy guns magazines anymore (although, thanks to Gizmo99, I've discovered Tactical Shooter, which is a barebones technical mag that has a LOT to offer, along with Precision Riflery. Thanks, Al!). I feel like this is an online, interactive gun mag, and I get to interact with the folks that make the products I use or want to use.
Additionally, TFL is a gold mine of quotable quotes, either from it's members or from the news articles they post.

I shamelessly copy these quotes and incorporate them into my diatribes or
"goodonyas" to the editors and reporters of various newspapers.

My constant thanks to those who supply me with this ammo.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I can sum it all up in one word Everything :)
Thats what I like about TFL. While TFL was making their upgrades and changes and I couldn't log on I checked some of the others and I must say This is the best and Hats off to one and all for making it that way and I always hope it remains that way. As I have stated many times in the past(which I'm a shortimer here) I have never met a finer bunch then what I have met here :)

Yes Gunslinger I was lost but now I'm found :D
I was starting to get some serious withdrawal
symtoms. I'm better now though :D

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

No crack here since I started using suspenders!

Rich and company have a good recipe here and you can't beat it if you agree to support the mission statement and follow the rules. That's difficult for some. I, for one, cannot adequately express my pleasure and satisfaction at being part of this group. My abiding passion in the Constitution and the Second Amendment thereto make it all the more satisfying.

I also learn. I like that too much!

Shiner's up! Thanks, Rich & Crew.

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 10, 2000).]
TheBluesMan - Yeah I read that... I'm in the photo too - tucked in right behind that minigun at the bottom of the page.
Shoot - they cropped the photo so you cant see me... Dang it!
One thing I like about TFL is that the members are generally civilized to one another, and, when they aren't, the moderators do a good job of convincing them to reconsider. This doesn't seem to be the case on many other forums.

Take, for example, the gay superheroes thread. A few people were less than magnanimous, and other members quickly jumped in and reminded them that, hey, there are gay TFLers and potential TFLers out there. And people APOLOGIZED! Promptly! By contrast, another forum that I *used* to visit occasionally currently has a very active gay-bashing thread running...I will not be back there again.
