What have we learned in 10 years

Last 10 years(actually last 5), me and both sons(age 39 and 41) came back to gun ownership. All also have CCWs but what I learned is how much fun gun ownership/shooting, is. Not expensive(altho the $ convinced younger son to quit smoking..a carton of cigs=about 250 rounds of 9mm..), plus a great way for the 3 of us to get together, go up in the mountains to an outdoor range we know of..and blast away at paper targets, bottles, melons..just great fun..

PLUS found this place, very informative w/o the typical political crappola on so many others..

Have a GREAT Xmas!!
Ten years ago, I was basically anti-gun ownership and knew nothing about them.

I’m now pro-gun ownership (for those responsible enough!!), I own 2 shoguns, 3 rifles, two revolvers and a semi. I shoot IPSC, reload and EDC..

Yep... the last 10 years have been a learning curve!!