What happened to the good ole days?

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. I remember back in the good old days we already had the concept of the good old days. There's something not completely objective about that.
People are much tougher now...

Back in the good old days, people could be killed by a .32 or a .38, but nowadays 9mm bounce off, and even fmj 45 bullets just bounce off of people. Nothing will do but a +P+ or better 10mm round. Even those are not able to kill some people. So you had better have at least a 30/06 rifle, otherwise your bullets will just bounce off.

Your flipant comments aside, we do have much bigger kids, and thugs, from my generation to now. Would you go after a 300-400 pound hog or deer with a 38 or 9mm?

Recently, one of the high school basketball players got a hold of a gun, and got the great idea to rob a petite white girl at gun point. I know the kid, and, he seemed like a very nice, well adjusted student, had helped coach him, who just had a one time, really bad idea. He's about 6'6" and 270. Inconspicuous, yes?:rolleyes:

Things I remember about the late 70-80's. Working in restaurants, you could make a LOT of money, without the IRS having made the employer their enforcer for declaring all tips. Lived right at the beach, for 250 dollars, for a downstairs apartment, but, it was still 30 steps to the ocean.

Cocaine was thought to be a recreational drug, not one of the most addicting, and deadly substances on the planet.

Police range was open to anyone that wanted to drive up and shoot on it, free. Former girlfriend just had kidney failure thanks to it, and the excess drinking you could do with stimulants.

My dining room center piece was a Dillon 550.

Women were everywhere, and, I missed two I wanted thanks to stupidity. One, at my brilliant suggestion, became a Playboy bunny, married the photographer, who then ripped her off for all the money she made in the two years she was hot.

The other's family owns a winery, and, I really enjoyed the entire family, and, they also are Italian/Sicilian. Wonderful girl who just HAD to get married, right then. Weird.

Moved to Hawaii and spent the next 10 years chasing the biggest waves on the planet.

I liked the freedom of the 'good ole day's, and, as I can't buy a bunch of guns I used to have in this state, and, it's unlikely to change, I watch sort of saddly from the sidelines...

Speaking of flippant comments...

I know the kid, and, he seemed like a very nice, well adjusted student,... who just had a one time, really bad idea.
Streaking during your own graduation ceremony is a one time bad idea.
A Styrofoam surfboard (coffee cup grade) is a one time bad idea.
Munching french fries directly from the fryer with your fingers is a one time bad idea.

Robbing a "a petite white girl at gun point" is NOT a one time bad idea. It is an any-time, every-time, all-of-the-time bad idea.
There are thought processes that preceed those actions that tend to negate the "very nice, well adjusted" impression you had of him.
It seemed he had an underlying character flaw that generated some confusion regarding the basic concepts of right and wrong. I'm sure there had been some previous indications of this. I seriously doubt that one day someone just happened to hand him a gun and his first thought was, I must immediately locate a petite white girl to terrorize. But then again, who knows...

And the fact that she was petite has no bearing on the matter. Neither does the fact that she was white make the crime any more or less heinous. And it doesn't really matter that the victim was female.
Robbing anyone, anytime, anywhere, with or without a gun is W-R-O-N-G.
It was wrong yesterday and it was wrong the day before that and it will still be wrong the second Tuesday of next month.
(Even if your name is Orenthal and even if the stuff did belong to you before the courts gave it to someone else.)

Now I agree with the IRS meddling with tips is extremely unfair.
For one it assumes that all customers are good tippers and trust me they are not. I waited tables while in college and back then you got 50% of minimum wage.
The law (in KY) said if you made more than min with tips you had to report it. If you made less the employeer was supposed to make up the difference. HAW! Like that has ever happened.
Still, I think that EVERYONE should have to wait tables in a busy restraunt for at least one month. (No, touching the little pictures on the machine at McGreaseballs doesn't count.) And I guarantee that you'll learn a lot in that month.

Chewing a few leaves for that mid-morning pickmeup while picking beans may have been okay for Juan Valdez and his little mule, but processed, powdered Cocaine for recreational use was NEVER a good idea. It wasn't even a good one time bad idea.

Sorry to hear about your former girlfriend dying in her car from drinking too much after using coke at the police range. :confused:

As for the women... <sigh> we probaly all have stories of those that got away.
(Where's that :banghead: emoticon when we need it?)

I guess you should have had an Omega D3 instead of the Dillon 550. ;)

As for the women... yeah those were the good ol' days.


Yes, thanks to improved medicine and healthier foods, we grow them bigger these days. But the fact that Teddy Roosevelt issued .32 revolvers to the rank and file in 1895 when he was NYC Police Commissioner doesn't mean it was a good idea.
After all Teddy had charged up San Juan Hill with a .38 Long Colt revolver while the rest of the "Rough-walkers" were happily lugging .45 Colt Revolvers.

Just because most European policemen carried mouseguns doesn't make them magical. They also carried them in full flap holsters. They were more concerned with protecting them from ox dung than they were with actually using them.

But it also doesn't mean that a .32 can't kill you just as dead tomorrow as it would have 100 years ago. The simple fact is that the vast majority of people ever wounded by firearms did not die. With today's improved medical care the chance of survival is even greater.
And the .38 vs .45 debate has been going on for over a century now with no resolution in sight.
William Hitchcock was considered to be the wrong man to be on the wrong side of. But yet he dispatched more than a few men with his handguns of choice, the Colt's Navy Revolving Pistol, calibre .36 (aka 1851 Navy). The ballistics of which compare quite favorably to the 9mm Browning Short.

We don't really need 66.6973482999% or all of the cartridges on the market.
Hell's Bells™ we tamed the frontier and fought the wilderness with the .41 RF, the .44 Russian, the .38 WCF, the .44 WCF, the .45 Government (Colt) and the .45-70-405 and 10 ga didn't we?
Gee do we really even need smokless powder?

The truth is that even 100 years ago there was a dazzling assortment of calibers to choose from. Many of them were good usefull developments. But there were just as many that were redundant at best and semi-useless at worst.

And while it may be nice to own the latest semi-automatic falling block bolt action double barreled AR1911 chambered for the .426 Superduperpoopshooter (9.38x29R) and fitted with a titanium plated B/O-tech integrated computer assisted 2-855x40 yellow dot, triple reticle, infared laser sight, not everyone really needs the ability to drop a 750 pound Nebraska mountain spotted polar gazebra at 900 yards at -17° Centigrade during a Lunar Eclipse.

The "Good Ol' Days" were in reality pretty good.
But for the most part "These Days" are better.
Recently, one of the high school basketball players got a hold of a gun, and got the great idea to rob a petite white girl at gun point. I know the kid, and, he seemed like a very nice, well adjusted student, had helped coach him, who just had a one time, really bad idea.

Uh. No. That's not "had a bad idea". That's "If there was justice, he'd be dead right now for doing that."

When someone decides to rob someone at gunpoint, IMO, they turn in their ticket as a member of the human race and become a dangerous parasite to be eliminated quickly and without emotion...both for the sake of their future victims and society in general.
Robbing a "a petite white girl at gun point" is NOT a one time bad idea. It is an any-time, every-time, all-of-the-time bad idea.

While I agree with your sentiment, I guess you have to put it in perspective. The school is a war zone. Between the Mexican based 14 and 13's claiming it, and, a couple other black gangs as well, the basketball team is a target for the gangs. We've had one kids career cut short, knifed on the way home from practice, a football coach stabbed for cutting a Mexican player(talk about bad, but accurate puns), a drunk-high drug dealer come in, waving a gun, and asking the secretary where the guy was that owed him money from a drug deal, and, she said the gym, which happened to be where I was.etc.

Each day the black kids run a gauntlet to get to the BART station to ride home. After school, I watched low rider gang bangers cruising for a chance to make some money, and, I think this is what happened to the kid. You get this shark like mentality, since it's around you, and you live in it. When you see a chance, without much, if any forethought, you take the chance, figuring that people won't be able to ID you, and, you get away with it, most of the time.

You see the 13's and 14 are mostly illegal, so, even if caught, they get a couple days in jail, unless it's murder, INS doesn't pick them up, and, the police have to set them free. Great system.

Nice to hear I'm not the only one who had those waiting experiences. In Hawaii, at the Hilton H. Village occupancy and tips broke down like this: 50 percent Japanese, don't tip, unless they buy coupons, and, then don't tip on the wine, or liquor, which they can run into the thousands of dollars, and, we were responsible for 8%, or had to prove otherwise.
30% German: they don't tip AT ALL. The remaining 20%, might tip, but, the hotel certainly didn't want them to. They figured less tip, more money to spend on stuff in the hotels they profit from. So, in a really fancy restaurant, after you tipped out, you MIGHT make 80 bucks a night average. Oh, I forgot to mention the 8 guys that had worked there for 20 plus years, got most of the work, and shifts. They all worked two jobs, or three, to make ends meet...

My ex died from too much drinking. The limited amount of drugs she did I am sure, shortened her life, by allowing her to drink more then her liver would normally have to process.

I now have the Dillon 650, and a rock chucker, but, no place to setem up, and end up borrowing my friends, but, he's two hours away.

The good old days didn't have HIV, or Aides, and, only minor SSD's. On the otherhand, we do have treatments for herpes, etc. that we didn't then.

By the way, I don't really think of the 45 Colt, 45-70, and 10 gauge as being in the same class as the first cartridges you mentioned.

Though I have to say your Titanium reference reminds me of a guy that got the great idea of having titanium action 416 rigby and 458 Lotts made. He sold them for around 3 grand each. Somehow a 5 pound rifle, and those cartridges don't sound like fun...

There is no "perspective", Socrates. He did not pull a gun on an attacking male of his size. He chose a defenseless victim and threatened her life for personal gain and greed. It traumatized an innocent victim, violated her rights as a person forever, and could have killed her. I am REALLY sick of people blaming society or circumstances for the actions of violent criminals who prey on innocents. They made the decision. Their mind, their decision at that moment in time. They chose an innocent bit of prey and decided to forego their humanity.

He should be dead. It's a shame he's not. Justice would have been her or a cop or good-samaritan bystander being armed and nailing him two or three times COM.

Once upon a time, we called such lowlifes "brigands", "outlaws", "highwaymen" and the like. If the victim or another person served justice by shooting and killing them, the law would come, look over what happened, and then their body was thrown in a ditch or unmarked grave. Nobody cared who they were, they were just a lowlife parasite who threatened an innocent person. Sometimes the body would be hung up on display as an example to other would-be lowlifes.

Shame it's not still like that. There might be less crime.
Perhaps. If we had such a gene cleansing pool approach we would probably have a lot less crime, since once labeled a criminal, you pretty much are for life in our legal system.

Might as well kill em while they are young. Save the state lots of money in the long run...

The real criminals are the government that allows Mexican gangs to run rampant, with no consequences, bringing in guns, drugs, and, threatening everyone else. Others can leave, arm themselves, join another gang, or prey they stay out of the others gunsites.

Perhaps. If we had such a gene cleansing pool approach we would probably have a lot less crime, since once labeled a criminal, you pretty much are for life in our legal system.

Might as well kill em while they are young. Save the state lots of money in the long run...

Sorry, friend, either I:
a) misunderstand you completely, or
b) disagree completely.

Maybe we should figure out which one first, then go from there.

Anyone who pulls a gun on an innocent is a bad guy. Period, end of story. :mad: YMMV, and inexplicably does. But you now have a tough row to hoe.

Convince me that I am wrong. Good luck. :rolleyes:
Pure and simple, total sarcasm.

Law is a constant balancing act, balancing the interests of justice vs. the benefits. Kill young criminals, cut their hands off, legs, decapitate, all have been done in the past. Now, we have gone the other direction, having 7-12 year olds doing drive by shootings, or younger, their records sealed, and, we teach them in prison to be excellent criminals.

It's all black and white, looking at it from the outside, but, when you get into the war zone, you get a bit more insite into what the participants are facing, and, how it affects their perspectives.

Ahh, the stuff I've watched. My favorite was the all-state wrestling champion, straight A student, who, on the way to school, was jumped by a bunch of Arabs, a wannabe gang. Seems he didn't agree with a bit of their terrorist mini-attempts to intimidate some of his friends, or, their politics, and, he had said so to their faces. These guys wanted to have their own gang, and, I was in the office when they came in, beaten up, and crying about how they had been jumped.

After a while, the truth came out. They had jumped this guy, using pipes, on the way to school. He had evaded, beat the tar out of them, used their own pipes against them, and they came whining into school.

He was expelled for fighting, and went to another high school, in retrospect, unfair, but, the best result for him, other then the nasty note on his record. Plus, he got the joy of beating that high school to a pulp in wrestling, and, winning another state title.

The Arabs got off with a wrist slap. Seems it was right after a terrorist attack, can't remember which one, and, the anti-Arab sentiment was at a peak, so, in the interest of politics, the white guy took the fall for his outspoken, honest remarks. Guess it's only free speech for a few at that high school...

I think what happened is we've swung way overboard in favor of criminal rights. While I think the middle east maybe a bit extreme in their approach, I think somewhere in the middle is where we need to be.

Also, I'm not sure that laws shouldn't be localized. What the guys in East LA, East or West Oakland, Richmond, face on a daily basis is much like what you face in war. You become used to the violence, and, it changes your values.
With kids, it's a training ground for criminals.

Finally, my humor and sarcasm is a bit based in fact. I face
second or third generations of absolute horrible learned behavior from really bad parents, to their kids, on a daily basis. When I wrote those comments, I was thinking of what happens with Iranians, Arabs, bears, lions, elephants, and many wild animals when they kill humans. They are removed from the gene pool, killed, with little benefit of trial, appeal, and legal system. Even good dog breeders, when they get a skitish, or dangerous doberman, rott, or Pyr, put the bad dog down. I had a friend with a bouvier that was just way too good at attacking, and, was just too mean to be kept alive.

I do understand folks on farms do the same. You get a mean bull, or even a cow at 1200 pounds and, it can stomp, hurt and kill you. Get's out, it takes cars and jeeps to get it back into it's pen. It's value is weighed against it's danger, and, a choice is made.

I will say in my life I've avoided having to take another human life, even when attacked, because the persons never actually pointed the gun they had at me, and, I had other avenues, and abilities, to get me out of the situation.
At my current age, those options aren't there anymore, or, are considerably diminished.

What I'm getting at is I've watched it from both sides, and,
I can see both, and sort of understand why.

I do blame the society by the way. I blame our area for not allowing more CCW permits, so when that punk pulled his gun, he didn't have 8 barrels to look down.

I blame the principal for being such a chicken, and letting the Arab wannabe gang guys try and beat this guy up. Funny, but, I wonder what she would have done if they would have killed him? Given them a metals? :barf:

Kali average school population now is 48% Mexican, and, many are illegal. That means a large chunk are outside most law enforcement, being under a non-existent federal jurisdiction. So, I blame our Federal Government, and our elected officials, AND ALL OF THE PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES THAT VOTE FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS THAT ALLOW THIS SITUATION TO EXIST. We let all these folks in, they have created that situation, and, the super liberal hippy laws allow a football coach to be stabbed because he cuts a mexican football wannabe. How about the Clinton group, and their 'free fire zone for public schools' law?:barf:

When folks want to point at someone, and say it's their fault, I do agree, except that situation was allowed to exist thanks to our apathy. We allow the government to take 5 months of earnings a year, waste it on other countries, and fail to protect our country. If you don't think we need city aide, vs. foreign aid, drive through some of the places I work in.

Heck, with all this noise about schools, etc. my current class sizes average 40,and, even though I'm straight A's in math, in math my entire life(except for a C in UC Calculus) I'm not qualified to teach math in a Kali public school, since I don't have a masters in math. :rolleyes:

No, we allowed the monkey on our backs, and, they keep us working so hard to make a living with taxes, we all can't participate in the political process to the degree we need to be contributing...

The real criminals are the government that allows Mexican gangs to run rampant, with no consequences, bringing in guns, drugs, and, threatening everyone else.
AMEN Brother! Amen!
There are too many places in too many of our cities that have literally been invaded and occupied. The local governments have stood idly by, passing the blame, allowing it to happen.
Why then, will we commit millions of dollars and the lives of our citizens to travel half-way around the world to invade another sovereign nation in order to liberate it from an entrenched oppressor when we are too lilly-livered to liberate our own cities?
Why then, will we commit millions of dollars and the lives of our citizens to travel half-way around the world to invade another sovereign nation in order to liberate it from an entrenched oppressor when we are too lilly-livered to liberate our own cities?

PLUS 10.

Or, how about using that tax money to actually create a situation where if we let these folks in, we either do right by them, or, create a system that can deal with them?

My second wife was a fugitive from death squads in one of the S.American countries. No amnesty, but, she stayed illegally, and, left me when the government used a document she had signed, saying she would leave, no matter what, in 6 months, even if she married a legal
citizen. Didn't know about it till after we married, then, couldn't do anything about it. She took off, and, I KNOW she's still here, God Bless her.

There are legal, and illegals, that have a reason for entering this country, but, the government can't seem to come up with any sort of moral, or reasonable basis for admission, nor deal with the ones that ignore the law.

Now we have a pipeline to Mexico, with no inspection, perfect for importing trucks of AK 47's, drugs, and anything else.

It's become near a Clock Work Orange type non-reality these days.

The old days, even with the racism problems, had some hope. Incomes were more even, the rich weren't getting these absurd packages, and, the middle class was larger.

As the middle class gets smaller, and the poor larger, and the rich richer, we point more and more towards a revolution, and, the rich we put in office know it, trying to limit our freedoms to control us.

The good I see today is the cross race marriages, and connection I see in some children, but, I also see very racist non-white separatist type attitudes from a variety of
immigrant groups. Sadly racism is still alive and strong with lower economic classes, as they fight for the dollars they need to survive in our society. It's really all about money, and, the sooner our society realizes the need to keep our money in our own country, and quit trying to save the world, the better off we'll be.

Here's a link to the student body at this school:



Source: CA Dept. of Education, 2006-2007 Ethnicity

This School >>>> State Average
Hispanic or Latino 47% >>>> 48%
White, not Hispanic 25% >>> 29%
African American 14% >>> 8%
Filipino 6% 3%
Asian 5% 8%
Pacific Islander 3% <1%
American Indian or Alaska Native <1% <1%
Multiple or No Response <1% 3%

If you do a bit more searching, you'll find the normal language at home for that school average is 88% Spanish.

It's not by chance that the school scores at the 50% in English. Teachers just can't compete with an immersion Spanish language situation. 2 hours a day of English will not make a dent in people who spend the other 22 speaking another language. That's just the way people learn, and, the sooner the fools who write our education law figure that out, the better off we will be. There are certain things that no matter how much money you throw at it, it's not going to change it...

Kind of funny but sad in a way. Some of the best ever Mexican food restaurants are in the area, and, most white folks won't go in, since the people don't understand English, at all, and, everything is done in Spanish, or by sign language.

As for the money situation:

The superintendent of schools for San Francisco quit a year early, to take a job in the midwest at a college. She had said she'd do all kinds of fantastic stuff, and, like many others, reality affected her ability to reach her absurd
administration speak goals.

The above high school is a true, multiple culture situation.

If not for the gangs, and the fact that getting bused cross city may take you through 4-6 other gangs territories, and, that of the 50 plus gangs in the city, most will be happy to beat the tar out of you, and rob you, some academics might be accomplished. My experience is that by the time my students had made it to school, they had been through a pretty severe fight-flight emotional situation. Just imagine having to go through a war zone on the way to school, and back, everyday, and, think how that would affect your ability to learn.

Anyway, this black woman, who negotiated with a school district primarily run by black women, was given a 450,000 dollar severence, golden parachute, for not meeting her goals. On top of this, lifetime health care, which, since she
now had that with her new job, she sold back to the district for 150,000 dollars, total value of the package: 600,000 dollars for failing, and quiting early.

Meanwhile, as an intern teacher, with 120 graduate units, that's graduate units in law and special education teaching, I was paid 35k a year. Busboys make that.

One good thing about the old days, we didn't have access to information, and, the Mike Savages, and Rush's of the world to point out these absurd liberal-facist dealings.

Life was more serene, sort of...

"These are the Good Old Days" to quote a sign I saw in a Farrell's Ice Cream
parlour years ago. In my case my existence really started to become enjoyable in my 30s (I am 58 now). Life is like weather, it's the result of
colliding fronts, the key is to try to see things coming and prepare as best you can, remember there will still be the zingers and the Great Unexpected.
With regards to the RKBA, over the last 40 or so years I have seen the
1. Declining interest in hunting due to loss of open space, increasing suburbanization, changing family structure-my old man walked out on me when I was six, he wasn't there to show me how to tie my shoes let alone take me shooting.
2. Dispappearance of school and community based shooting programs.
3, Pockets of rabid anti-gun activity-New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C.
etc. Erosion of gun rights in states such as Illinois where the RKBA is not enshrined in the State Constitution.
1. Growth of the concealed carry movement, the push for "shall issue"
laws. The push for broader definitions of self defense, "Stand your ground" laws. 2. Growing interest in the shooting sports by women and minorities.
3. Recognition that trying to deal with the violent crime problem by "government only" programs such as more police presence is uneconomical
and ineffective.
4. Recognition by even liberal scholars that the 2nd Amendment DOES confer and individual right, not a collective one. Rejection of the spurious
militia argument.
5. Establishing the RKBA in state constitution-only 7 states do NOT have it.
6. Growth of the NRA, making gun owners a force to be reckoned with.
You know part of me likes the gene pool cleansing approach. Pull a gun, robbery, get shot, no more children.

I'm on board with that totally, in Africa. Aides? No American aide as far as I'm concerned, no drugs prolonging life. Aides:
A hope that African animals will not all be extinct in one generation...

Over-population is a serious problem, and, the ones producing the most children are the ones that shouldn't.

Maybe the Arab-Muslims have the right idea with their penal system approaches...

Maybe we americans ought to change the idea that life is precious, and change that to life is disposable, and, overrated...

Dr S.
Back to the original post. I may sound like an ass or bragging but I am not. I can seriously shoot a handgun fast and accurate. I can do it under stress most good shooter can not. Most police officers are not even good shooters. I was a beat officer and on the pistol team. The problem comes from society. The public does not respect officers the same way as they did in the 50's or even as late as the 70's. Back then you could pistol wip some one or crack them in head with a night stick if they were getting out of line. Shootings were not big investigations or big media. An officer was a lot safer even though they only had .38 revolvers and no body armor.
Violence often escalates. If you can supress it fast then you can control the situation. Todays civil rights and media climate makes the use of force by police difficult. So you get shoot outs when all hell breaks loose. Calm aimed accurate shots go out the window. Often it is the perp who fires 1st now. Even good shooters will have their nerves rattle when shot at from 7 yards or less. I know in the past some times officer shot 1st. Those silly ass clips you see on TV now where guy doesn't drop the knife or take his hand out of his pockets. In the old days, they got drilled. One or 2 aimed shots over.
So why do they shoot so much and miss now? That comes from several reasons. Short reset on autos allow you to fire quicker without getting your aim. THe DA revolver is slower alowing some time to align sights as you pull the trigger. Also when another officer is next to you is shooting, iT causes most people to shoot faster. A subconsious pace is set. When one officer fires the rest will instinctively fire thinking they are being shot at. Sadly many times the other officers may have not seen a gun or are 100% sure what they are shooting at. 90% of training goes into how do avoid lawsuits now. Training for most departments for the range is only 2 time a year. Mayber a day or 2 each time. Im sure you go shooting more than that a month. Lasty, Im a revolver man. I compete with both auto and revolver and can shoot both about as fast and hit my target. But there has been a few times when I've had a car stopped with 4 thugs or gone to a domestic with up to 7 people inside. When everyone is only a few feet away 6 shots won't be enough. In the old days you told everyone who didn't needed to be there to beat it. If they didn't you wacked them in the head. Can't do that anymore. So being outnumber is the name of the game now.