What handguns are left?

If you don't want to buy an H&K/Colt gun,(if it was ever even offered)thats fine.
But right now the H&K are good products and are still out there.
Just because some slimeballs like Colt want to buy the company doesn't mean the current guns are bad.
Not buying Colts right now makes sense and I wish someone would get the word to the cowboy-wanabees to quit buying the old Peacemakers that Colt is still trying to sell!
If you are worried about who or what owns the gun companies... do like I do... buy everything you can afford and get your hands on.

I dont give a twinkie what the hell their politics are right now. I will buy and stock up.

I suggest you do the same. S&W, Sig, Glocks, Rugers, Kimbers, Les Baers, Winchester, Browning, Marlin, and yes even Colts (when the price calms down) and all the rest that you like, love or just have to have.

Judge Blackhawk

Governments ability to control is directly related to its ability to disarm -- Judge Blackhawk