What Handgun Training Have You Taken ?

Mas Ayoob; Ray Chapman; Jim Crews; Jeff Gonzales; Chuck Taylor.

Pistol instructor: CA POST; FBI (1976, last update 2000); Glock; HK (Instructor & Master Instructor); Sig (Advanced Instructor); Jim Crews.
Gunsite 250 and 499
Blackwater Lodge Tactical Pistol 1 and 2
Sig Arms Academy High Performance Pistol and Tactics
NRA Tactical Pistol Instructor
CA POST Tactical Pistol Instructor
CA POST Survial Shooting Instructor
Strategos Inter Low Light Instructor Course
ITTS Intermediate Pistol
ITTS Ultimate Tactical
Chuck Taylor Basic/Advanced Tactical Pistol
Herschel B Davis Phase Tactical Pistol Course
Bennie Cooley Jr Self Defense Handgun Level III
Bennie Cooley Jr Advanced Combat Shooting
Ron Avery Practical Handgun

And a few others for personal reasons, I leave off my resume.
Erick, was Gunsite's 556 that forgetable? (We missed you this week at CATP ;))

Chuck Taylor:
Basic pistol
LE Defensive Handgun x3

Louis Awerbuck:
Stage 1 shotgun X3
LE Carbine

Jeff Gonzales:

Israeli shooting method (can't remember the instuctor's name)

Instructor courses

Arizona Dept. of Public Safety:
CCW Instructor

Bus Assault
Vehicle Defense

Thunder Ranch:
Team Tactics

Advanced Carbine Tactical Problems (just finished today)

Bunch of others, but these are some of the highlights. I know I put in a few besides just pistol, but bieng proficient with all weapons is important. Training with good instructors, like Pat Rogers, Louis Awerbuck, etc, IMO is important because they can point out problems with techniques one may have developed during solo practice. Other than that it's fun, stimulating and may one day save your life or that of a loved one.
Please post a review of Advanced Tactical Problems, Carbine. I intended to take that this year but I don't know if I am going to be able to swing it. I have been talking about buying a new house for years now and I have finally decided that now is the time. So, money is an issue. But, I would like to hear about it anyway.
I see that a number of people have taken the Gunsite 250. Can someone give a rough idea of their total expense including tuition, supplies, hotel, meals and travel if you flew?


- 0 -
Dev Null,

Go to http://www.gunsite.com

Look up the course there. I believe tuition, now is $1200 bucks or so. I stay at the Hampton Inn in Prescott. It costs about $450.00 for the week. I'm sure there is cheaper.

Food is food is food. I bring a cooler and get lunch in the morning, enroute to the range at the Safeway in Chino Valley. I'm not a big breakfast eater, so I really don't worry about it. If I'm hungry, I get something at the Safeway. Pleny of places for dinner in Prescott and Precott Valley.

I can't comment on airfare, because I drive. However, I believe shipping ammo there would be cheaper then purchasing it from there; although not as easy.

Having said all that, if you can go. Its a good course. Also, since your in VA, if you haven't, look into Blackwater Lodge. I've been to both of their pistol courses; excellent training and facility. Would cost you less too.


Took basic practical to get my CCW; been on a waiting list for two years now for home defense and outside the home defense. :mad:

Thunder Ranch
Handgun 1
Handgun 2
Handgun 3 (November 2004)

Front Sight
Four Day Defensive Handgun
Two Day Tactical Handgun

Randy Cain
Tactical Handgun 101

Jeff Gonzales
Combative Pistol 1

Tom Givens/Rangemaster
TN CCW Instructor

Jim Higginbotham/Rangemaster
One Day Dynamic Marksmanship

Jim Crews
Two Day Handgun Tutorial

Maricopa Tactical
Combative Pistol
Walt Marshall - AWT
Team Tactics

Don Lazzerini - RTT

Handgun instructor

Frontsight: Four Day Defensive Handgun
Two day handgun skillbuilder
Two day advanced tactical handgun
Four day handgun master prep
All of these numerous times.
Tactical Defense Institute www.tdiohio.com in West Union, OH. Level I - V Handgun and Conceal Carry. Midwest Training Group Bloomington, IL. www.midwesttraininggroup.net Advanced Tactical Handgun w/ Ken Hackathorn.

All of these courses have more than exceeded training that I received as a Deputy Sheriff at a large SO in Ohio. More training than I should ever need but on the other hand it is my primary hobby and I plan on taking more courses.

These courses are all 2 day courses usually on Saturday and Sunday. You will shoot between 600 to 1000 rounds in the 2 days. Hackathorn's Advanced Tactical Handgun course we shot until 11:00pm on Saturday night with about 3 hours of night shooting using flashlight and night shooting tecniques and level V at TDI also included night shooting, force on force house, jungle lane and live fire house shooting.
NYPD: Basic training and annual qualification
US Secret Service course FLETC Glynco Ga
Tactical Entry Yonkers
NYPD Advanced Tactics/Survival (the fun house)
I have a small group of LEO friends here in NYC, and we shoot quite often.
We mainly practice close range point shooting, but include many other shooting skills as well.
If you want to hook up, contact me at temahedysa@aol.com
I can see that I really, really need to get some more training in if my list is to be as impressive as some of these here!

Some guys have all the luck.
Don't be impressed


While it is impresive the discipline that many folks display here by continuing their education, don't be too impressed with the list. Be impressed with how well their training has impacted their skill level. Just because you attend a school from anyone dosen't mean you automatically absorb their knowledge.

The biggest mistake I see in this industry is folks who fail to continue to practice between the elected training sessions they attend. It goes without saying that if you fail to practice, your skills will decline and degrade.

Train hard, victory is the only option.

Mr. Gonzales, you are entirely too right. And I'm guilty of just that offense, though I know better.

Thanks for the reminder; I'll look forward to undergoing some of your training just as soon as possible.
Call me Jeff


No worries, but please call me Jeff. When somebody says "Mr. Gonzales" I look for my dad. Look forward to training with you down the road. Take care and stay safe.

I found that weeks after I take a class, I am out shooting and some concept taught in the class suddenly hits me like a bolt of lightning. If I hadn't been practicing, I would have never punched in on what they were talking about.

Jeff was one of the instructors of my Gunsite 223 class. I have no problem with calling him Jeff since he is younger than I am.