Exactly how does one get and "A+"? Burn the 2nd Amendment? Scary thoughts..
These anti-gun folks just don't get it do they? They want everyone to just hug and sit around singing praises all day. In their world nobody is violent. If "only" guns would just be outlawed then nobody would ever get hurt. They fail to see several major obsticles:
1. Humans are violent by nature. Not all humans are necessarily violent, but those that are not need to protect themselves from those that are. Often the violent ones have access to weapons and are bigger and stronger and have the element of surprise. It only makes sense to allow the weaker or surprised to protect him/herself.
2. The REALITY is that wishing guns away or outlawing them just doesn't work, as evidenced by the failed attempts in other modern nations including Australia, Canada, and the UK.
3. Unchecked power, including by Governments, is DANGEROUS. OUR WISE forefathers knew this from first hand experience and determined that the INDIVIDUAL people must have access to military (eg. militia) style weaponry to ensure an adequate check against a Government so it would not become tyrannical. Hence the 2nd Amendment. Anti-gunners point to the 2nd Amendment as a HUNTING statute, which puzzels me... Nowhere does it say anything about HUNTING.... It addresses individual rights to keep and bear arms which are forefathers recognized as being necessary to the security of a free state (implicit in this is individual freedom for self defense from crime and tyranny).
"A well-regulated militia
being necessary
to the security of a free state,
the right of the people
to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed."