What form of gun control WOULD you support (if any)?

What form of gun control WOULD you support (if any)?

Normally Weaver, but sometimes Bullseye.

it is a little aggravating knowing that a private seller can take his guns to a show (or local flea market, jockey lot etc) and sell them for 2x market value because felons who cannot buy from an FFL will gladly pay the price to buy them from a private person

How do you "know" this? I have gone to gun shows across the country for more than three decades and have never seem or heard of people making excessive offers to buy guns from private sellers. Quite to the contrary, the private transactions I have seen, heard about, or participated in, invariably involved a healthy amount of dickering over price. Of course, the felons shopping at the gun shows I attend may simply be more discriminating and parsimonious. :D
I guess I should point that statement more toward flea markets, but it happens. I visit the local flea market often and see guns selling for well over retail. I finally asked one of the sellers who wanted $175 for a for a H&R single shot break open shot gun if he thought he would sell it at that price.. my answer "you would be surprised what some people are willing to pay when they cant shop at the other stores" Just the other weekend I witnessed the purchase of a bone stock 10/22 carbine for $325 .. makes you curious why they wouldn't go to even the most over priced sports store and buy it new for $250.
Hmmm....gun control...Only one kind comes to mind...being able to hit what you aim at. I mean, isn't that the point of shooting?:confused:
Today, 12:13 PM #24
Senior Member

Join Date: 2005-06-30
Location: Fort Carson, Colorado
Posts: 796 Hmmm....gun control...Only one kind comes to mind...being able to hit what you aim at. I mean, isn't that the point of shooting?

Yep - my T-shirt says it all - :rolleyes:




I would have the feds create a laundry list of violent crimes, to include murder, rape, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, assault, battery, etc. We can argue about the list, but one should be created. Then the feds could coerce the states into enforcement by threatening to hold back education funding if the states don't comply. How would the states comply you ask? Well, the states would be enticed to have uniform punishment and sentencing for the crimes on that laundry list which would include very long prison times with no plea bargaining for less time. After the perp got out of prison, he would be on probation for 10 years. During those 10 years he would not be allowed to possess firearms. At the end of his probation, he would have to go before a judge and get his legal rights restored, based upon good behavior on the street for 10 years. By the way, he couldn't vote for those 10 years while he is on probation. Only his good behavior, demonstrating that he is willing to behave as a law abiding citizen, would restore his rights. It would be done with a legal document.

If said person is ever found to be in possession of a gun before his 10 year probation has expired, he gets life in prison with no plea bargains and no chance of parole.

You enforce a tough scheme like that and I'm willing to be you'd see our gun crime drop precipitously. It would cost us, but what does it cost us to have the catch and release system that we have now?
1) felons 2) mentally ill 3) minors. I don't need to demonstrate my verbosity or take a spelling test before I exercise my 1st amendment rights. Therefore I shouldn't have to demonstrate my "proficiency" with a firearm to assert my 2nd amendment rights.
Generally speaking, anything that doesn't involve banning any types of firearms, or registering any besides fully automatic weapons. The purpose of gun control should be to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and people who, by common sense, should not have them. Anything which puts law-abiding citizens in the same category should be looked upon with skepticism...at best.
No restrictions on any weapon of any kind. Have all persons convicted of a violent crime, or manufacturing/distribution of illegal drugs, executed by public hanging, the day the sentence is passed. Crime would become almost nonexistent.

No, it isn't a violation of the 8th Amendment. It isn't cruel because when you're hanged, your neck is broken and death is almost instantaneous. It isn't unusual if it's being done to all violent felons and drug dealers.
Sounds like China. Very little crime there. When I studied there, I could walk the streets at night, by myself, and feel totally safe. This was in the center of a large (7.5M population) city. I think the most dangerous part about living there was the traffic. Forces you to stay alert.

Also, I believe the phrase "cruel and unusual punishment" has been interpreted many times as prohibiting punishment that is not proportional to the crime.
If you can't carry it and operate it by yourself (bear) then the government has the right to restrict it.
I have no problem with:

free instant background checks

felons and mentally incompetent forbidden to have firearms

shall issue concealled carry permits (no more than $50, and have to prove you shouldn't have one to not give it to you)

I'd even be okay with a similar permit process for select fire and automatic weapons. (take a safety class, pass an indepth background check, get a permit, buy a M16)

oh yeah, if you commit a felony with a firearm in your possession, automatically adds 20 years to your sentance, and prevents you from getting a parole.
I'd support a law that would eliminate all taxation on guns and ammo as they are an infringment. Felons and others not allowed to possess firearms caught w/ guns or committing a crime w/ a gun = automatic life in prison or more. We need to be careful w/ the "mentaly incompetent" verbage too. I believe that public executuions would be a great deterent to much of the crime we face.
I hate gun control as much as anyone here, but is there any gun control measure you could agree with? Real or hypothetical, or a modification of an existing law.
The OP question implies there exists a set of reasonable rational laws, rules, and regulations which can be used to govern the operation and ownership of firearms. Another implication is we currently have in existence a set of laws, etc. which are not reasonable, not rational, or not effective in their intended effect. By asking for more we are implying what exists is ineffective. How 'bout this. Let's us spend our time picking out laws, rules, and regulations to repeal, cancel and void. Then we can entertain different laws.

Rollback first. Then we can talk.
I would support a special card that anybody wanting to purchase a gun would need to have. They would have to go to a government agency and request it. The government agency would test the applicant with a written test and hands on test. The issued card would have an ID number picture and description of the cardholder to include height, weight, hair color, and eye color.The person could then take this card to a gun store show it to the clerk and purchase a firearm.Now all we need is a name for the card. How about we call it a state drivers license. :D