What form of gun control WOULD you support (if any)?


New member
I hate gun control as much as anyone here, but is there any gun control measure you could agree with? Real or hypothetical, or a modification of an existing law.

For me it would probably be background checks, including checks on mental health. But only if the state lets you do a background check every few years instead of requiring you to undergo one every single time you buy a new gun.
I support gun control/gun regulation but no bans, background checks, waiting periods(for those who don't already own guns), mental health evaluations

On the other hand I want the MG ban removed, it should still be difficult to get a MG, but after you have proven mental competence and responsible fire-arm ownership there should be a proccess that allows you to purchase a new one.
Only two

The same two that we require to drive a vehicle. Basic safety course and a proficiency test. I firmly believe that there are too many unsafe hunters (my son and I were almost shot yesterday by an idiot that was trying to shoot a dove; he pointed directly at us and fired*) and too many incompetent shooters. In fairness to the animals being hunted, a hunter should have a certain minimum ability to actually hit his/her target (and not miss 48 out of 50 shots and wound 2 and not try to recover the animal; which we witnessed repeatedly).

*Ironically, being right where he aimed was one of the safest places to be because he was such a pathetic shooter. :(

Three tests.

First one: Safety
Second one: basic marksmanship; keep the shots on the paper.

Now you can buy a weapon.

Third test: Advanced proficiency test 70% minimum in the kill zone.

Now you can buy a hunting license.
Simple, restrictions on automatic weapons, bans on "explosive" weaponry (rpg and the like). Instant background checks to eliminate felons and mental cases. End of story, anything else is unconstitutional.
Bans on artillery, bombs, devices designed to deliver an explosive and or fragmenting charge and incendiary devices such as flamethrowers.

No registration.
Background checks acceptable only if done instantly, at no cost to the buyer and with a clear path to appeal.
Bans for those guilty of violent felonies and those committed as a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness (with a path to restoration of those rights left open).
What's wrong with automatic weapons?

Rapid semi-automatic fire is much more accurate and effective than full-auto fire. If you support restricting machine guns because of the potential harm one can do, you need to support restricting semi-automatic weapons as well.
"What's wrong with automatic weapons?"

The problem with automatic weapons (and all firearms, really) is that they scare the bejeesus out of Dianne Feinstein. Since she is a US Senator, and therefore wise, I think it behooves us all to help her in her endeavors. After all, if just one child is saved, isn't it worth it?

The same two that we require to drive a vehicle. Basic safety course and a proficiency test.
I hear you. No gun registration, but a free license test (comprising of a written and an applied segment) wouldn't be that bad... IF other gun laws were repealed. The license would allow you to carry concealed or open (your choice) and would allow you to purchase any kind of weapon you want. Assault weapon bans and high-cap mag limits (a la Kalifornia) are just ridiculous and stupid, and do nothing to slow crime. They should be repealed.

Not that they will be :rolleyes:
I could endorse some gun show regulation. In my mind it would be simple to implement, a small check in counter at the entrance, you pay them a few bucks, they run the standard background check and clear you to purchase firearms. You would then be given a "buyers card" that you would have to present at the tables in order to purchase. The private seller jots down your buyers card # and the serial info from the gun and turns that in at then end of the show.

I do not support any bans, but it is a little aggravating knowing that a private seller can take his guns to a show (or local flea market, jockey lot etc) and sell them for 2x market value because felons who cannot buy from an FFL will gladly pay the price to buy them from a private person.
I do not support any bans, but it is a little aggravating knowing that a private seller can take his guns to a show (or local flea market, jockey lot etc) and sell them for 2x market value because felons who cannot buy from an FFL will gladly pay the price to buy them from a private person.

Sounds like there just needs to be consistency. NY gun shows already require background checks for all purchases. It's a quick phone call after filling out a form. As for the guy that sells the gun out of his trunk in an alley, laws aren't going to stop him anyway.
I do not support any bans, but it is a little aggravating knowing that a private seller can take his guns to a show (or local flea market, jockey lot etc) and sell them for 2x market value because felons who cannot buy from an FFL will gladly pay the price to buy them from a private person.

Where does this happen?
For those who favor bans/restrictions: You are trusting in the good faith of the legislators to craft "reasonable" standards, when in fact the very word "reasonable" has been co-opted by the most extreme groups in the debate.

"Fool me once - shame on you; fool me twice - shame on me."

We've already been fooled many times, in many ways. It is easy to point out a slew of unreasonable regulations now in effect. I.e., I challenge anyone to argue that a $500 select fire weapon selling for $20,000 in the registry is in any way, shape or fashion "reasonable"; a direct result of the regulations. This makes the complaint about free-market profits for private sales seem paltry by comparison.:p

Yet, some act as if this kind of abusive regulation did not exist. Extremely naive. Shame on them!

Demonstrated bad faith on the part of legislators is the basic reason gun control should be opposed. They've had their chances and always muck it up.