What don't they make that you want?

GLV. You left out one important thing. Money. The bottome line. When Olin droppes Weaver, and Winchester rifles from their list of companies, it was not because they were losing money on these companies. THEY WERE NOT MAKING ENOUGH! Corporate greed fellas. One gun magazine, I forget which, came out with that. The gun i question is already too darn expensive. The bean-counters couldn't kick the price up enough on a .45 to be happy, not to mention the possible product liability problems.
Paul B.

I would like to see Smith & Wesson make a .40 S&W caliber L-frame revolver that uses full moon clips. I'm not sure if there is enough metal in the cylinder to do this, but that's what I'd like to have.
I think I remember that S&W made a 10mm L frame in the early nineties that used half moon clips. That was back in their "new model a month" period, and it was soon discontinued. I suppose you could fire .40 S&W in it just like .38SP in a .357. Might me able to find a good used one at a gun show, or put an ad on the for sale forum. They are probably pretty scarce item though, I don't think many were made.

I once had an old Smith .45ACP revolver that used clips, and it was much, much faster to reload with full moon clips than any speedloader. I just may make my next gun purchase one of the Mod. 625 Smiths. With my luck they'll quit making those just before I convince my wife I really need one.
s/w did make an L frame 10mm,,,,,I saw one recently with a full lugged 6" barrel, it came from an estate sale and by the time I had the money it was gone......Id always wanted to try one of those model 27/28's bauminzed conversions for the old n frame...never got around to it and now I most likely never will since they have that L frame 7 shot.....S/W also made a J frame 9mm that used full moon clips out of plastic...from the ballistics i remember the shorter barrel had less negatives in the 9mm than the 38 spl......never got one of those either...lol..fubsy.
I'd love to see Ruger make the .45 Colt Bisley Blackhawk with a 5 1/2" barrel. I've thought many times about changing the 7 1/2" tube on mine, but darn, it shoots so good I'm afraid to mess with it. If they made a 5 1/2", I'd just buy another one.
Just as a small correction, the 10mm S&W revolvers are built on the large N-frames, not the slightly smaller L-frame. The revolver in question, the Model 610, was put back in the catalog last year.

I suspect there is enough room in a N-frame cylinder to hold an extra 10mm chamber, but I doubt the market is large enough for S&W to bother trying. I've considered finding an old Baumanize 7-shot Model 27/28 conversion, having the chambers reamed out, and the barrel replaced. The original moon clips should still work with the 10mm. (Put 10mm or .40 S&W in a .38 Special/.357 Magnum speedloader and note that the 'teeth' will still engage the rims.)

I too agree with those that long for a L-frame or Ruger GP100 in 10mm. John Taffin was able to convert a S&W 586 to the wildcat .41 Special while retaining the full 6-shot capacity. Hamilton Bowen simply opened up the charge holes in the factory cylinder while someone else opened up and rerifled the stock barrel. I also remember that Austin Belhert converted a few Ruger and Colt revolvers to .41 Action Express.
John G., FM of Argentina produced such a pistol. It is/was called the 'Detective'. It had a short slide with a full-height grip frame. I am not certain as to whether these are still being imported.

On the custom side, Austin Behlert used to chop the slide and frame to create a mini-Hi Power. The fellow who took over his shop, Art Leckie, supposedly will still perform this conversion.
I'd like to see somebody make a semi-auto .50 BMG carbine. And if somebody doesn't come out with one soon, I'm going to start designing one on my tube here.
Since concealment is more a factor of gun thickness than any other single factor, and since 10 rd. mags are mandatory, I would like to see a single stack 8-9 round DA 9mm the thickness of the French M35A or even the old Colt Model M. (About 3/4 the thickness of the M1911A1.) With new metals, I think it could be done. Anyone else?
I've had SW 610s and 625s. They are on the "N" frame. These are too big for me to control in rapid double action shooting. My hand works fine with the L/K frame size. I don't need a 10mm, the .40 works real good.
I also have a S&W 940 snubbie. It is a good little gun. The clips are steel.
I have 5 S&W .357 mags in "L" and "K" frames. I love these .357s.
But, I really want a .40 S&W and a 9mm "L" and/or "K" frame six shot DA revolver. I need these firearms!
The guns I want and can't buy:
M41A1 Pulse Rifle - Aliens
E-11 Blaster Rifle - Star Wars
Wookie Bow Caster - Star Wars
PGP - Babylon 5

"There is no Spoon"
Within the realm of possibility: from Kimber, a single-stack polymer frame in OACP size with a Commander-style top end. It would be a handful to shoot, but a joy to carry.

Fantasy: implanted under each fingertip, a "phaser" that could be thought-regulated in power from "stun an ant" to "atomize a battleship." Runs on bioelectricity-no reloading.

Ed, re: your comment about speed reloading with moon clips; I once had the opportunity to watch a fellow whose name I can't recall (CRS:can't remember sh..stuff) shoot an IPSC match with a 625 using full moons. He was the only revolver at the match, and the only people reloading faster were the "Master" & a few "A" class shooters. He could stoke that puppy faster than I can a 1911 with a speedwell. However, I'm just not sure I'd ever want to trust my life to a gun which could jam if a .10 peice of metal got slightly bent out of shape....

Shoot straight regards, Richard
Jerry Miculek can pretty much convince anyone that a 625 with clips is the fastest firing/reloading pistol on the planet. I've seen him draw, fire 6, reload, fire 6 and re holster in less than 4.25 seconds.. the guy is a mad man.

Meanwhile, on the topic....

I would really like a semi-auto medium load (between .308 and .30-06) rifle, which wasn't much longer than 30 inches over all and wieghs around 7 pounds with optics. Detachable mags and Sling necessary.
I would entertain the idea of an electronic sight as opposed to tradional optics.. (holosite, etc..)

This, IMHO, would be the ultimate Scout/guide gun....



I agree with Jim, I want a small 10 shot 9mm. Sort of like a Glock that is thinner, and a longer grip. How about a combo of a baby Glock (trigger and polymer) and a Kahr K9 (overall ergonomics). Or maybe a WELL MADE Kel-Tec or Millenium. I want Glock/Kahr quality!!!!!!!!!!!

And Colt can keep all the Pocket Nine pistols they want ....... What a disappointment.