What Does it Take?

I go with what works for me. Either one of my Berettas, depending on what I plan to do that day. My EDCs have always worked and I try to maintain them so that they always will work when I pull the trigger. Keep 'em clean and cycle them often.
I completely agree with unclejack. I shoot my Glock 43 enough to know how it shoots and what i can do with it and out of the box it was flawless. I am not a law enforcement officer so i don’t need thousands of rounds out of a small carry gun. I just need to know i can use it, know my limits and i know it’s quality and darn sure it will go bang in the unlikely event it’s needed. From time to time I enjoy putting rounds into a target but my range guns get lots more range time
All guns, especially semi autos, will and do malfunction. We just don't know when. Some are more prone than others. I had a Taurus that never in it's life fired 100 times in a row, 50 or 60 round at most. I did not carry it. If a gun fires 200 or 250 times in a row, in my opinion for what that's worth, it's good to go.
Shooting competitions quite a bit and taking classes, I think I've seen everything fail at times. One good things about classes is when they teach malfunction drills with ones the instructor generates for you. Competitions will force you to clear and stay in the run, even though it tanks your time, it's good for you.

Every once in awhile, you get an unsolvable one in real time. Some are due to reload squibs or rounds out of acceptable length. The weirdest one for me was in a Glock were the empty rotated 180 degrees in the chamber and the slide slammed forward on it, jamming the empty edge into the spaces of the slide. No way a tap, rack was going to lead to a bang with that one.

As said, you can shoot a gun 5000 times and the springs break at 5001 from usage. Had that happen. We can argue for a BUG but that's a different debate.
About 200 rounds HP without malfunction and I consider a pistol GTG with tested ammo and mags.
2nd pistol from left, a Ruger Night Watchman doesn't like Wilson 9 round mags at all; it works fine with Ruger and Colt 8 round mags. I've ran about 200 rounds of 150 Nosler, 180 Nosler & Gold Dot through the 8 round mags no problem; I'd be willing to carry that pistol with the tested 8 round mags, have not had it very long.
The other 3 pistols have from 300-400 or so rounds through each, all HP.
My two main hand loads (new brass)
10mm Handload 180 Nosler @ 1,228 fps / 603# KE
10mm Handload Nosler 150 JHP @ 1,402 fps / 655# KE
Pistol gets bullet weight that POI best matches my POA.
The adjustable sight Ruger offers ability to make whatever bullet weight match POA.

My "carry rotation" has a theme, 10mm 1911.
Delta has more like 500 rounds various HP through it and it has never malfunctioned.
Stainless Ruger, somewhere between 300-400 rounds no problem.
Kimber was locking back with rounds still in mag when new, I sanded contact point on slide stop and ran 300 rounds after that to determine reliability.
All have 23# recoil spring and 25# hammer spring
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I've played the rotation game before. I still hold one exception to what i am going to say: because when I am out alone my options are much greater I will take my NAA Mini in 22 MAG with me running.

If I have to move my eyes towards the gun to active a control, clear a malfunction, or reload its not going to make it into the rotation.

I have spent a lot of time shooting a G29 or a G19. Not nearly as much as those in the gun games. Operating them is second nature and I doubt, in a high adrenaline situation, I would notice the difference. Still its becoming more and more that I have even given up this rotation and opt to carry the G19.

Every gun has flaws. You may not have experienced a malfunction yet but, given enough rounds, your "flawless" gun is going to fail. Murphy's Law says this is going to be at an inopportune time.

A gun is not making it into my rotation until I can clear a common induced malfunctions (a dummy round) without letting the malfunction distract me in training.

There is a limited amount of training YOU are going to undergo. Everyone has limits be they financial or time. Time spent training with gun Y makes you less proficient with gun X. If you MUST have a rotation the firearms in that rotation should be as close to possible to each other as possible.

Yes my NAA violates my own rule. I would like to point out an "appeal to hypocrisy" is a logical fallacy. Naming me a hypocrite does not actually address the strength of the argument it addresses flaws in the arguer.
#1 Rule, only first rate quality makes and models. Absolutely no second rate designs or the clones of the tried and prooven makes & models.

#2 Rule, no accessories of any kind on gun, other than sights and grips.

#3 Rule gun has to have been shoot several hundred rounds with no glitches.
Interesting, I’m just in the midst of adding one, and having taken one out. That said, tomorrow will prove if the one I took out, comes back in or not.

To get into the “club,” it’s got to go 500 rounds flawlessly. I never count the first fifty. What happens in in the first 50, stays in the first 50, after that though, my eyes are open.

Why not the first 50? Man, springs got to settle, wrists need to figure out where to hold... 50 might be too liberal, but it’s a box and hence, easy to figure. The next 500 can’t be shot all at once either. There needs to be a cleaning in between.

Ideally, I’ll be able to mix the 500 with different weights and bullet types. After the 500, 100 of the intended carry ammo and balm, Bob’s your uncle if there isn’t any issues.

Now that’s easy for me to do because at the end of the day, I’m not in any rush. I have a great collection already. I will admit that back in the day, a good reputation and 200 would do it for me. I was a lot more cash and time poor back then.

Anyway, my G42 after thousands of rounds started to act up. After 4 failures to feed, I packed it in. I just put new recoil springs in her. If she eats the 200 ball and 100 hollow points and Underwood’s I have slated for her tomorrow, she’s back in!