What do you wear when you are on your bike?

@BT380 - The only options you left me really is strapped to my stomach or a sleeve gun. I know what you mean about pain with things attached to your body though. The one time I did wreck, I had a box of tic tacs in my pocket which made sure to shatter and gouge a chunk out of my leg. Just adding insult to all the road rash.

Seriously though, keeping it on the bike isn't really an option. I ride rice bikes, and the only storage is accessible with my key, so gun is worthless unless I'm off the bike. Wonder if I could make some sort of hidden holster in front of my tree or something? I'd just be worried about road grime
I ride a sportbike and my LCR or XDs goes into a chest pocket. I do serious riding, so wear full racing protection including armored boots - so there's no room for an ankle holster.
I ride my Road King daily. I carry my 1911 in a Blackhawk Serpa paddle holster and my CZ 75 compact IWB. Very comfortable and secure and I can access either while on the bike.
packin while ridin

Bikes have always been a passion of mine, enough so that a few years ago (07ish) I sold my truck and have ridden one daily, year round ever since, Rain, shine, snow, sleet, you name it, been there done that. Anyway all the while I've carried, In the winter time I usually have either the glock or 1911 in a sholder rig, summer is usually the p-32 apendix carry. Seems to work ok. prob stick with it.
Oddly enough, when I ride, I carry the same way I always do any other time. I carry my Rossi 462 in a Don Hume holster worn crossdraw. I always wear a leather jacket and/or a vest when riding, and that makes a perfect cover garment. When wearing only the vest, I wear the extenders so I don't have to worry about the vest flapping open but still leaves plenty of access if I need to get to my weapon quickly.
I don't ride, but I would assume a shoulder rig would be the most comfortable. I know from driving in a car that for long trips shoulder holsters are the best option.
Dual sport

A little trickier for me because I write a dual sport and often go from the roads to the woods on a whim. I don't do the deep mud stuff anymore (I went through a period of self-daring the first summer I had the bike) but even on regular hard pack, there are a lot of bumps and plenty of jostling. I'm picking up an LCP .380 this week and come next riding season, I'll have to put some thought into how to carry it. This has been a very informative thread. And entertaining in places.
This thread is getting old but I'll toss in my two cents: Sig P238.

It fits neatly in my vest's internal holster plus it's an easy fit in a coat pocket. I have numerous pieces for carrying and have tried them all on the bike(s) but I keep coming back to the P238.
Have tried all holsters, worst are IWB/OWB, nearly lost a J-frame that way, just to much movement along the mid-region. Carry a Charter Arms 44 Tiger in a Bianchi shoulder holster and a PPK on each ankle.

PS: Vulcan, you are right about the Sig P238, I carry one in an (outside) chest pocket of my denim jacket.
The key for me isn't the actual gun I carry which varies from either a Glock 32, Kahr PM9 or S&W 1911 3".....its the holster.
I ususlly wear jeans & t-shirt or even shorts if its that hot out....( I'm not a true Hells Angel wanna-B so I don't wear leather in the blazing summer heat :eek:) so to carry concealed I wear a belly band holster.