What do you think of this idea?

IMHO, at $10 a piece, you are looking at an adult customer base. Just too many coloring books out there for kids that are under a dollar. Also as has been said, being guns in general are not that colorful(especially historically correct ones), I would tend to think repeat sales would be low. While I applaud the ideas of it being a neat way to introduce youngsters to firearms, I don't see it viable at $10 a piece.
I would like to see some modern firearms in there too. Like the Desert Eagle, AR's, some "assault" pistols, etc. That way I, I mean my kids, can use the gold, bronze and silver colored crayons for something.
I think it would be neat. But in today's America, soccer moms would be HORRIFIED! If an entity like Barnes and Noble would even carry it, it would likely soon be on a bargain table at about 99¢, if not flat pulled from the shelves entirely. Those soccer moms you know.....
What do you think of this idea?
I had a goofy little idea pop in my head the other day. Kind an educational little novelty.

What about a coloring book of detailed drawings of historical firearms, plus educational information. Each gun would have a little technical info chart plus a full page description of the history of the gun, political uses, other guns it inspired, years of production etc.

It is a fine idea, but you are about a decade too late with it...

Thanks for the input everybody. I've weighed the opinions, the different viewpoints, the costs and viability etc.

I've decided to go ahead with a crowd funding pre order of the project. I'm attempting to raise $750 through pre order sales, equivalent to 75 individual unit sales, to fund the design and 100 copies.

The biggest question is market viability, so that's what I'm attempting to prove. Successful fundraising will indicate there is a willing market, failure to meet goals will tell me there's not enough interest to support the project.

I will be happy to post the link when it goes live this week (if allowed on the forum). And we will see in a month or so what the open market thinks of the idea!
good luck with your adventure.

I think that adding the rules of safely handling a gun was incorporated into book, it would lessen the concerns about curious kids and might educate them in another way.

As you asked for opinions, I think if you are successful, you might rank up there with 3d gun printing. If/when the media catches wind of this, you will become a house hold name and not particularly in the way you would hope.
L2R, I think that is a particularly genius idea. I will definitely have to figure out a way to incorporate that, and maybe a short primer on general firearms knowledge. Thanks for your input!
As of today, we have 5 days left to meet our goal and we have raised $692 out of $750.

So I feel good about saying that this project is probably going to be happening!

I will happily share it with the forum when it is available
For all the non hunting rock throwers can you have pictures of little johnny getting a bead on a nice buck -kidding-. Great idea actually I bet a lot of sportsman clubs and hunting safety people would buy it also
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Just minutes after I posted the update, we received a pledge that pushed us over our goal to fund the project.

It looks as though it may have been someone who followed the link from this thread, so thank you whoever you are!
If we're just talking about the Senate, that may be doable. I might need some outside funding to secure enough copies for the house though
Just minutes after I posted the update, we received a pledge that pushed us over our goal to fund the project.

It looks as though it may have been someone who followed the link from this thread, so thank you whoever you are!
I was gone hunting and had missed the announcement about the Kickstarter, until I got back - which coincided with the day of the update.
Based on my pledge amount, the timing of it, and how close to the goal the project was at the time, I suspect it may have been me.

Whether or not it was me, there are 37 other backers that made it happen.
FrankenMauser, thank you (and all of the other backers mentioned) for your support of this project. I believe you selected the pledge that allows you to choose a firearm design to be included, so if we have not already talked about that, please feel free to PM me here. I'll be sending out an official survey when the project ends (very shortly)