trip20 said:
Put yourself in the LEO's shoes. You're pulling someone over. This pisses people off. Consequently, it's not a stretch to presume you're about to deal with a pissed off, armed individual(s).
Way to paint the CCWing public as the kind of hotheads who are going to shoot an officer because they're pissed off at getting pulled over.
Aren't you counting on the same person who is pissed off at getting pulled over, who is also armed, to then politely inform the cop that he's carrying a gun?
My point is that the person who is a danger because he's pissed off and armed WILL NOT be one who tells the cop he's carrying. He'll just be shooting.
Now, with that said, I have to admit that I am partially coming around to the idea of why people say they would admit they're carrying (apart from those places where it is an actual legal requirement, I mean). Here's why:
My typical mode of carry is not IWB, it's in a bag that can be carried. There is ZERO CHANCE of an officer seeing my gun by accident. All he'll ever see is a nondescript shoulder bag sitting on the seat. So I've been viewing this issue not from the perspective of someone who has a gun IWB that may poke out as he goes for his insurance card, but from the perspective of a guy whose gun is concealed fully unless he wants it shown.
I have been stopped in Florida about 6 times in the nine years I've lived here. I think I was armed every one of those times; NOT ONE of those times did I inform the cop who stopped me that I was armed, and not once did any of them ask if I was. If asked, I'd be inclined to say, "Officer, I am licensed by the state of Florida to carry a concealed firearm, and there is one in that zippered pouch over there on the passenger seat. Please let me know what you'd like me to do." (I would mention the license BEFORE mentioning the gun, by the way.)
No one has told me for certain whether Florida law enforcement officers are able to get data that connects the license plate (vehicle registration) with a CHL holder. So I don't know if the cops who stop me know I'm licensed; and anyway, a cop stopping a car and running the plate does not necessarily
know that the driver is the person to whom the car is registered (assuming the reg. links the car to the CHL).
I still maintain that apart from covering the possibility that a
good guy's gun inadvertently prints or flashes, there is no utility to a cop knowing that the stop has a gun. Once again: the criminal won't admit he has a gun, and the good guy who admits it won't be the type to be a danger to the cop in the first place.
The single benefit to having a CHL holder inform the cop, in my view, is to avoid a situation where the gun the CHL holder has not told the cop about flashes and makes the cop nervous.