What do you think about this?

(CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice -- responding to Iran's latest test-firings of missiles -- made it clear Thursday the United States is determined to prevent Tehran from threatening the interests of itself and allies like Israel.

Iranian media say Thursday's test-fire of missiles was a continuation of exercises that began Wednesday, above.
2 of 2 Rice was speaking at a news conference in the Georgian capital of Tblisi after Iran test-fired a long-range missile. According to Iranian state media, Iran conducted more test-firings Thursday.

Rice said the United States has been working with allies to "make certain that they are capable of defending themselves" against any threat from Iran.

"We take very strongly our obligation to help our allies defend themselves and no one should be confused about that," she said. Watch Rice comment on Iranian missiles »

Rice's remarks came after Iranian leaders said they would strike at Israel and close the Straits of Hormuz if Iran is attacked.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said the missiles involved in Thursday's test were medium and long-range.

The Iranian news agency Fars said the launches, near the Persian Gulf, were a continuation of Wednesday's maneuvers and that the missiles hit their targets successfully.

Iran's Press TV said a "Hoot" torpedo was among those tested. "The maneuvers have also included IRGC scuba divers and marines who conducted practice assaults with speedboats on hypothetical enemy targets," the station added. Watch Iran's latest test-firing of missiles »

Two years ago a report by Jane's Information Group, which provides information on defense issues, described the "Hoot" or Whale as a sonar-evading underwater missile that Iran had said was "one of the fastest in the world" and "able to outpace warships."

World powers, which have long suspected that Iran is intent on building nuclear weapons, have offered economic and other incentives to Iran in exchange for the suspension of its enrichment program.

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Iran, which says its nuclear program is strictly to produce energy, defends its right to proceed with enrichment.

Iran accuses Israel of trying to destabilize the republic; Israel has not ruled out military action to halt Iran's nuclear aspirations.

There are fears that Israel, which has long been concerned that Iran wants to attack the Jewish state, is pondering a unilateral strike against the Islamic Republic.

"If Washington and Tel Aviv are foolish enough to even consider attacking Iran, our initial response would be to target Israel and set U.S. interests in the Persian Gulf ablaze," Ali Shirazi, an aide to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Tuesday.

The Shahab-3 missile has a range of about 2,000 km, putting all of Israel, Turkey, Pakistan and the Arabian peninsula within striking distance. From Iran the missile's reach extends from southern Russia to the Horn of Africa, from south-eastern Europe to Nepal. See where Iran's missiles could strike »

Zelzal and Fateh missiles were also tested Wednesday during a military exercise called The Great Prophet III, described as a "joint maneuver" by guard corps naval and ground forces in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz region.

The Iranian exercises come a month after an Israeli military drill in the eastern Mediterranean involving dozens of warplanes and aerial tanks. It was seen as a message that Israel has the capability to attack Iran's nuclear program.

Israel issued the same reaction Thursday that it did to Wednesday's missile test. "Israel seeks neither conflict nor hostilities with Iran, but the Iranian nuclear program and the Iranian ballistic missile program must be of concern for the entire International community."

Israel was due Thursday to display an advanced aircraft that is capable of spying on Iran. Israel's Army Radio told CNN that the Eitam airplane is a "practical answer" to recent Iranian "threats."

But Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) -- which manufactures aircraft for both military and civilian use -- said the exhibit is not linked to Israel's recent "tensions" with Iran.

Rather, the airplane is being shown near Ben Gurion International Airport, southeast of Tel Aviv, because it will be at the prestigious Farnborough International Air Show in southern England next week, an IAI spokeswoman said. Watch

The plane, a Gulfstream G550 business jet that has been modified with sophisticated intelligence-gathering systems, is already part of the Israeli Air Force's fleet.

In her speech Thursday, Rice said that a missile defense shield the United States hopes to create in Eastern Europe would be another way to head off any threat from Iran.

"These are all elements of America's intention and determination to prevent Iran from threatening our interests or the interests of our friends and allies, and I don't think the Iranians are too confused, either, about the capability and the power of the United States to do exactly that," she said.

Rice encouraged Iran to "get on the right side of the international community" by accepting a package of incentives put forward by China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States -- the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council -- as well as Germany.

Iran "ought to be talking about that, not about threats against America or threats against America's allies because frankly it's not going to do them any good."

Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar, speaking after Wednesday's tests said Iran's "missile capacity is just for defensive purposes, to safeguard peace in Iran and the Persian Gulf region."

The minister added that "our missiles will not be used to threaten any country, they are only intended for those who dare attack Iran."


This could be the start of pre WWIII. What are your thoughts about Iran test firing missles. I think they have no other choice. I think they are being pushed into a corner. By being threated by the U.S. and Israel. They have a right to defend themselves. Or is the world now supposed to do what ever the U.S. says? Reports say that they are not and have not been working on a nuclear weapons program for years but the administartion says otherwise. Like they did with WMD's, Sadam and Al qaeda.

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The Iraq war lies

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Americans should protect U.S.. Not the world.

Is Israel worth spilling American blood for. Not in my opinion. If they start the fight they should finish it.

Israel's influence of US policy & the Israeli lobby

Kuncinich on Iran

UN Inspector Scott Ritter: Fools would Bomb Iran

George Galloway talking about war with Iran. This could be what happens.
Iran has every intention of trying to take out Israel. They've admitted to it. War with Iran is coming, you can count on it.
I agree with Hawg. The Iranians want war, at least the little nutjob, "I'minajihad" does. He wants to bring on the apocolypse to make Islam the religion of the whole world. He has said exactly that, as well as saying that Israel should be wiped off the face of the globe. Hmm. Why we wouldn't take him at his word when he is developing nukes and has missiles capable of delivering them to Israel and US targets in the region, is beyond me.
Hawg, I whole heartedly agree... I just hope we have time to finish the quagmire in iraq and recover from the spending before taking on another insurgent fought SNAFU... Not to mention we could give the khaki clad brethren a rest and get some fresh faces too.
If we have to deal with Iran, and I am not certain the Israelis will need us to do that, then hopefully we have learned a lesson from Iraq.

Blow the snot out of the threatening capabilities and LEAVE. No nation building. No building a gov't. No policing the nation.

Do the job and leave. Let the UN and the rest of the world who are concerned go in and fix the place.
Iran has every intention of trying to take out Israel. They've admitted to it. War with Iran is coming, you can count on it.

I agree with Hawg. The Iranians want war, at least the little nutjob, "I'minajihad" does. He wants to bring on the apocolypse to make Islam the religion of the whole world. He has said exactly that, as well as saying that Israel should be wiped off the face of the globe. Hmm. Why we wouldn't take him at his word when he is developing nukes and has missiles capable of delivering them to Israel and US targets in the region, is beyond me.

Did any of you guys see this?

Israel is not America. Iran is not a treat to America. If Israel starts it, They should finish it. Not The U.S.
I don't watch videos unless they're very short. It takes too long to download with dialup. I'll say this tho. Israel is one of our allies. If Iran makes a move on Israel we WILL make a move on Iran. I'm with Musketeer. If we take on Iran lets blow the snot out of them and to take it further put them back in the stone age and leave.
Iran is not a treat to America.

Iran is a huge threat to the US.

Here is why:

Iran has now created an oil exchange that accepts only the Euro. Up until now, the dollar has been backed by crude since you can only buy it with the dollar. So this dollar-oil link helps keep the dollar as the universal currency because the entire world must use the dollar. Severing this dollar-oil link is the easiest way to destroy the U.S, and Iran knows it. The day that this dollar-oil link is broken will be the day that the US financial markets, and possibly the world markets, will be turned upside down. Not a pretty picture.
Israel is not America. Iran is not a treat to America. If Israel starts it, They should finish it. Not The U.S.

Israel is not America. True. They are an ally of ours, however.

Iran is not a threat to America. Maybe not to America itself, but it is a threat to some Americans, particulary those servicemen and service women in Iraq and other places around the Middle East.

If Israel starts it, they should finish it. I don't disagree. However, if other countries such as Syria, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, etc, jump in to help crush the Israelis, should we just let them be crushed and say, "Well, they aren't america and Iran is not threat to us"? If nukes start getting lobbed from Iran into Israel, what happens then?
Iran is a huge threat to the US.

Here is why:

Iran has now created an oil exchange that accepts only the Euro. Up until now, the dollar has been backed by crude since you can only buy it with the dollar. So this dollar-oil link helps keep the dollar as the universal currency because the entire world must use the dollar. Severing this dollar-oil link is the easiest way to destroy the U.S, and Iran knows it. The day that this dollar-oil link is broken will be the day that the US financial markets, and possibly the world markets, will be turned upside down. Not a pretty picture.

Thank you. I know this already. If we do bomb Iran. It is because of this, not because of them having Nuclear weapons technology.

The dollar is an easy target, But not because of Iran, But because the FED is making the dollar weak and unstable.
Israel is not America. True. They are an ally of ours, however.

Iran is not a threat to America. Maybe not to America itself, but it is a threat to some Americans, particulary those servicemen and service women in Iraq and other places around the Middle East.

If Israel starts it, they should finish it. I don't disagree. However, if other countries such as Syria, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, etc, jump in to help crush the Israelis, should we just let them be crushed and say, "Well, they aren't america and Iran is not threat to us"? If nukes start getting lobbed from Iran into Israel, what happens then?

I hear you. If we attack Iran. It will not be in and out like everybody hopes it will. Israel is an ali, But if they start it. We should let them finish it. Because they know it is not a good idea. But knowing BIG BROTHER is right there to help them fight there battles kind of gives them the cojones to attack. This is not good for the U.S.
You're right it won't be in and out because our government doesn't have the cajones to go nuclear. I don't think Israel will start it and I'm not sure what we would do if they did but Iran has made the threat too many times to not be taken seriously.
You're right it won't be in and out because our government doesn't have the cajones to go nuclear. I don't think Israel will start it and I'm not sure what we would do if they did but Iran has made the threat too many times to not be taken seriously.

Threats are one thing, action is another. I don't think Iran will attack The U.S. because they know that would give us the excuse to attack. But I think the U.S and Israel are trying to provoke an attack. That will have the same outcome as Iraq BUT PROBABLY MUCH WORSE FOR THE U.S. and the rest of the world.
I honestly find it rather disgusting that when Iran does a missile test showing that they COULD strike against Israel...everyone is up in arms..but when Israel launches an training mission that shows only too well that it could strike against Iran...everyone is silent. As an advocate of strict neutrality when it comes to conflicts between other nations I feel that either ignoring them both equally, or railing against them both equally is the only acceptable response.

Both sides seem to be headed up by hotheads and warmongers to me. But one side receives almost unanimous support on this board and one consistently gets maligned.
Both sides seem to be headed up by hotheads and warmongers to me.

Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Israel must be "wiped off the map". Have you heard any such rhetoric coming from Israel?
Israel is not America. Iran is not a treat to America. If Israel starts it, They should finish it. Not The U.S.
You think Iran's going hang up their hat and go play at the beach if they get rid of Israel?
Israel has nukes. They could likely hit Iran today. They could have hit Iraq in the past. But they used a surgical strike to take out Iraq's nuclear reactor. I would guess that they are planning the same sort of scenario for Iran's reactor(s). Some experts say that Iran has done a better job of hardening their reactors. After seeing the Israelis hit Saddams reactor, the Iranians figured they best leave theirs less vulnerable to attack from the air.

Iran is planning to have nukes soon. They would be the ones to use nukes against Israel first, in my opinion. Israel would surgically strike at a military target to protect themselves from Iran. Iran would strike with WMD's to crush and destroy Israel. We are not dealing with similar mindsets here, other than the commonality of hatred between the two nations.
Rice said the United States has been working with allies to "make certain that they are capable of defending themselves" against any threat from Iran.
Gee, isn't that how Sadam became such a horrific threat to our way of life. :rolleyes:
Blow the snot out of the threatening capabilities and LEAVE. No nation building. No building a gov't. No policing the nation.

Do the job and leave. Let the UN and the rest of the world who are concerned go in and fix the place.

I'm good with that.

Cycle out some of the older, aging bombs in inventory and make room for new production from Raytheon and friends.

And if we're going to bomb nuclear reactors that are suspected of producing weapons grade materiel for nuclear warheads... we might as well use some of our older nukes to eliminate those particular targets. Cheaper than dismantling them when they become unstable or unreliable.
Jimmy Carter

I put this all in that peanut farmers lap. If Jimmy had dealt forcefully with the "students" when they attacked the embassy in Tehran we wouldn't have this mess today.