What do YOU take to the range?

Let's see here's my list:
Usually 1 centerfire rifle, 2 if I'm feeling froggy
maybe 2-3 centerfire handguns
.22LR rifle and handgun
ammo- 50rds for the big rifle, 200+rds pistol ammo total, and then 200+ .22LR
In my milk crate:
Front rest with sand bag
rear bag
Multi tool
targets (midway double sided pistol/rifle targets)
B-27 Targets
Ear Plugs and muffs
Spotting scope
shooting glasses
on rare occassions my chrony
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Never go to the range without my coffee.
man you guys bring a good bit of stuff

i typically go with my roommate or a buddy from work; i always bring whatever gun(s) i have with me as do my shooting buddies, so there is usually from 2 to 6 guns between us.

we'll typically meet up at a walmart to buy some preshooting ammo and targets and such, but i throw all my stuff in my old surplus ruck sack and thats it
This is a typical list if I'm shooting my rifles. If I'm planning to shoot my hand guns only, the list shrinks a bit.
I bring a high powered spotting scope, 2 tripods, chronograph, a variety of targets for varrying distances, sand bags, tape, ear plugs, protective glasses, plenty of ammunition, and a note book. I shoot on public land, not at a range, so I also bring a sturdy fold up table.
Range supplies

sorry, forgot from earlier post, but we quit using staplers some years back, cardboard or muslin is tacked on the target frames and we use 3M Foam Fast spray adhesive. It works great, just quick spray around the edges of the target and put it up. If there is little, or no wind, just spray the corners. After a lot of shooting, you may need to spray a little more of the back surface of your targets if the wind is blowing through that big hole you created around the 9-10 ring......
Aside from whatever bullet launcher I may be using that day, I always take the following: Hearing protection [both the foam plugs and also headphones, I like to use both simultaneously], eye protection, and as much ammo as I can afford. The range usually has targets and anything else I could need.
I try to keep it to two guns, so I'm spending more time shooting than messing around. Three tops. My indoor range supplies targets, so I just bring guns, ear protection, cleaning kit (I shoot a lot of cast), a little food and drink, and at least three free hours
I always bring along whatever firearms I will be firing, make sure to have magazines for them (if they use a mag), bring the correct ammo for each gun, bring safety glasses and hearing protection (ear muff and ear plugs). Those, of course, are the basics.

Other than the basics here are some things that often come along with me:

Targets (especially if the range does not offer them)
shoot n' see stickers
staple gun and staples
universal gun cleaning kit
screwdriver kit
extra glasses and hearing protection
shooting bag or box
binoculars (although I just got my son a spotting scope and hope to start using that)
magic marker and pen
a first aid kit
my ID
plenty of money because ranges around here are expensive

All the best,
Gun cleaning kit
IFAK kit
Two pairs of eye protection
Two pairs of ear protection
Rule book (USPSA)
My indoor range does not allow food or drink :(

So there I just bring my guns and my hearing protection and my $ for ammo and targets. He sales reloads for very cheep (about 1/2 what the factory stuff is) but the rule is you have to shoot it all there and he gets to keep the brass.

My out door range is not really a range but just a spot I like to shoot. I bring stuff for a camp fire as well as all the shooting supplies and food and soda.
An average trip would see me take:

Laser range finder
Targets (the Dirty Bird™ or Shoot & See™ type)
Pitcher of sweet tea
Sandwiches/pickled sausage
Shooting rest (Caldwell ZeroMax)
Spotting scope and tripod
Chronograph and tripod
Leatherman Tool
Range gate key (I have forgotten it several times...)
.22LR to shoot while waiting on centerfire to cool between shots
Ammo (also has been forgotten...)
Hat ( I'm normally not a hat guy)
Shooting buddy (optional, but fun to have)

And for the sudden and unexpected, a change of underwear wouldn't take up much room and could come in handy.:cool:
shooting buddies who never complain

You cant forget your favorite shooting buddy (and critic) - the DOG(S), ive got 3 brits - they stay in the truck!!
Almost exactly one ton more of 'stuff' than I should.
My primary range shooting is traditional muzzle loader. My large range box is about to get wheels and a V8 engine so I can move it around. That plus a spotting scope, tripod, small stool, water and a fishing rod container for spare ramrods. And, often a camera. Need to scale down considerably.
I have one of those large wheeled soft side tool bags from Lowe's or Home Depot.
I have in it:
Spotting scope
Staple gun & staples
Screwdriver set
Bore light
Vice-grip needle nosed pliers
A few other miscellaneous tools
Eye & ear protection
A nylon zippered "pencil bag" with basic cleaning and lubricating supplies
Pistol rest
Still room left for a couple handguns if that is what I am shooting that day
Rifle rest (slides right in between the handles of the tool bag)
In addition, Water, lunch, what ever long guns I am shooting.
+1 on the first did kit, learned that the hard way. I used to take 4 or 5 guns, now I try to limit myself to 2, 3 max. Got tired of spending so long cleaning after the trip. My shooting area now is just a canyon on public land so I am looking for a stable shooting platform.

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